
  • Simultaneous interpretation is the one that the interpreter, inside a booth and with proper equipment, listens to the speaker in a certain language and conveys the message to the language of the listeners at the same time.

    In case of short duration – up to one hour –, there is the possibility of hiring only one interpreter. If there are more hours of work, two interpreters must be hired to switch with each other a certain period of time, which ranges from 15 to 30 minutes, so that the quality of interpretation remains at a level of excellence, given that it is about an exercise of extreme concentration with no interruptions. After six straight hours of work, overtime starts being counted.

    Besides interpretation in the booth, there is also the modality of whispering interpretation, in which the interpreter is next to the listener and does simultaneous interpretation – with no equipment – at a very low voice tone not to bother the others. That modality allows a limited number of listeners.

    Types of work: congresses, conferences, workshops, trainings, guided visits, press conferences, business meetings, research, trade fairs, etc.

  • In consecutive interpretation, the interpreter listens to the message, makes notes and, after a short period, conveys the message to the listeners, many times in a more concise way, but conveying the key message.

    That modality does not require use of equipment, however, the time needed for the event is eventually almost two-folded, given the fact that the speaker speaks “twice”.

    Types of work: guided visits, press conferences, business meetings, research, trade fairs, etc.

  • Written translation is carefully carried out by the translator by means of much previous research about the area to be translated, exchange of information with the client to guarantee translation precision with the original document and adequacy to terms in the translated language. In more technical cases and longer projects, there is the creation of a glossary to be validated by the client and thus applied during the project to guarantee consistency and coherence of the translated document from beginning to end.

    Types of work: websites, academic papers, corporate content, newsletters, press releases, training handouts, manuals, Power Point presentations, scientific articles, etc.

  • Portuguese revision comprising from orthographic correction to compliance with ABNT standards.

    Types of work: academic papers in general (monographs, dissertations and theses), legal documents, website content, newsletters, etc.