academic strengths and weaknesses list

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The definition of the forgetting curve with examples. Being Kind and friendly – To be able to accommodate the differences in people. There are any number of personality traits you may choose to highlight as strengths. Academic strengths are character traits that make you exceptional from others in a learning environment. For example, if you are an avid reader, state that. From kindergarten through college, academic … Soft Skills. Another way to look at weakness is to say a lack of (1-50 strengths). Any weakness you have, look for a way to tackle it to the last. The definition of growth mindset with examples. Academic strengths are traits and skills that serve students as a strong foundation to excel academically. I know you have friends that are close to you, Yes, they know your. Creativity and critical thinking are two strengths that go hand-in-hand with problem-solving. You can grow your weaknesses and strengths academically and you will do well. The patterns of strength and weakness can also be seen in the academic domain of writing. Enthusiasm. Get a Mentor in the field of your weakness. My academic strength is I’m able to write and speak in a language other than English. Aggressive. The definition of independent thinking with examples. Examples of Academic Strengths. Visualization. An individual's personal strengths and weaknesses are life learning experiences and we all as human beings have different levels strengths and weaknesses. Talkative. Best Recommended abbreviation for Management. List strengths & weaknesses Strength Weakness 1. Required fields are marked *. They could be your parents, friends, teaches or professors, or even school counsellors. It removes the problem of you overestimating or underestimating yourself. Impatience. Associated Deficits of Autism (For full IEP, refer to Appendix Example A) Gina has many skills that benefit her ability to succeed in school. Fearful 2. The definition of lifestyle with examples. The definition of the space effect with examples. Report violations, Capability vs Ability: The Difference Explained. Share this with a fellow student. Intolerance. Knowing your list of weaknesses is great, but understanding how to communicate them in an interview is different. Empathetic. Not all students take school seriously, but with sharp intuition and a few well-planned questions, you can usually spot the ones who are committed to doing their best behind the desk. Going into squares and square roots can be one of the academic weaknesses to the child, which in the long-run can be improved. Strengths, weaknesses of students’ math abilities . Strengths Weaknesses Phrases That Describe Pages 1 4 intended for proportions 1391 X 1800. Flexibility. Take a look right now at these examples of strengths and weaknesses and pick out the ones that work best for you! Identifying and evaluating your strengths and weaknesses helps you become aware of what you do best and what you need to improve. Resilient. Honesty – The ability to defend the truth even under pressure. The definition of social learning with examples. Have you been asked your academic strengths and weaknesses? When listing them out, be honest and objective. When you can solve problems, you likely have other strengths, too. Visit our, Copyright 2002-2020 Simplicable. Choose/list at least 4 items. You can compare their responses with your lists checking for significant similarities or even ask them to review your own list, giving their thoughts. Setting a schedule and sticking to the spirit of it, if not always the details, helps some students get through rough periods that sink other equally gifted students. Personal Strengths and Weaknesses 1028 Words | 5 Pages. Academic weakness list: Procrastination. Being able to identify your strengths and weaknesses not only helps to improve your academic performance but your life in general. Loose-tongued 5. Academic weaknesses may be identified as part of an admissions process or analysis of a student… The definition of fixed mindset with examples. Sloppy 8. Don’t downplay nor exaggerate your abilities, and neither should you beat yourself up over your flaws. But have since progressed and learned new skills on the job. Just click on the link below. Open-mindedness – Open to new experiences and role models. It is a good idea to have a list of strengths, as well as a list of weaknesses, ... volunteer, and/or academic experiences. Here are the tips for you: Find out your weakness and make out time to work on it. Seeking opinion or talking to people you trust for feedback about your strengths and weaknesses helps you get an unbiased and clear opinion about yourself. The, Coding: THe world has turned around, with basically everything online. Ready to learn more about your cognitive strengths and weaknesses or those of a child or student? The first step in understanding your strengths is to look to the past. Optimistic 8. A list of measurable communication goals with examples. Avoid interview paralysis with our advice. List of Weaknesses: 10 Things to Say in an Interview December 2, 2020 It can be hard to answer the question, “What is your greatest weakness?” —especially when you expected to be discussing the skills, talents and capabilities that make you the strongest candidate for the job. Examine and note time the meeting starts. To determine a list of these, we can easily change a strength to something we need to be better at. Independent. Create separate lists of strengths and weaknesses you think you have. How to Discuss Your Strengths in a Nursing Interview. However, when seeking an opinion, choose people who have spent an ample amount of time with you and have observed your abilities. Respectful 5. Blunt – to speak in a direct or rude way. One of the most common interview questions that most of us experienced or will experience at some point is “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”.. Blunt – to speak in a direct or rude way. As mentioned above, do not avoid the question. How can I identify my academic Strengths and Weaknesses: 1.Make a routine to work on your weakness: Importance of identifying academic strengths and weaknesses: Creates self-awareness and motivates improvements: Conclusion on the academic strengths and weaknesses: Sentient vs Sapient – What’s the difference? Among the most valuable of academic strengths is discipline. Just like we are not perfect as human beings, we have weaknesses. To make the list of strengths and weaknesses more specific for you, we list here some examples of strengths. What tasks do I do that leave me drained and exhausted? Stating academic weaknesses can come in handy if you were not great at school. List of strengths and weaknesses: What to say in your interview Discussing your strengths and weaknesses can be one of the most difficult parts of the job interview. So, 50 strengths and weaknesses await you (25 strong points and 25 weak points). Thus if you can code software to solve a definite problem, it can be one of your, Language: The ability to speak fluently is one of the major, Story Telling: Storytelling skills can’t be overemphasized. Read also: 20+ Fun Things to do in College when bored. Critical thinking. The question may seem harder than it really is. List of Strengths & Weaknesses + Professional Answers. Hence, using a weakness from this category can compel your hiring manager to focus more on your work experience than your academic record. Problem-solving. Coming up with your list of strengths is not only important for answering job interview questions. All Rights Reserved. Quick answer, How to make friends as an Introvert (Easiest way ever). Reproduction of materials found on this site, in any form, without explicit permission is prohibited. Problem Solving – Ability to find a solution to problems even under pressure. 4 Examples of strengths. Well, here's your answer: a ready-made list of 50 strengths and weaknesses (with concrete, practical examples). Obstructive 3. Spontaneous 3. Problem-solving is a multi-pronged academic strength. Dieing or Dying – What’s the difference? Academic weaknesses are the downsides. Read this: What age do you start University? Students are asked to repeat the same task, but this time write a list of personal strengths and weaknesses they feel they have. Your academic strengths and weaknesses can be what you know/What you don’t know, your teachable skills, and your personal lifestyle. It’s good to identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can know where to improve or even work on. Typical areas of weakness include calculations, basic facts, and showing work. (Side note: Want flexibility at your new job? Just state them as they are. For instance, in class, a child’s academic strength in Math can be; being able to know the multiplication table, addition, and subtractions. Eager. Everyone has a weakness but you can work everyday to improve yourself and work on your weakness. Your Academic weaknesses are some of the things you don’t find difficult to do which you love to correct or change. Everything has a solution. Examples for each of the strengths are below: All information provided is as a result of  research purposes. Soft skills are important for almost every job. Choosing 3 weaknesses you have made improvements in the last few months provides a base. Each year, the Office of Superintendent of Public … Academic writing is of great importance to the modern society and this proves the need to analyze personal strengths, identify the weaknesses and formulate strategies that can be used improve on the effective and high quality academic writing. But with soft skills, you have to tell them the story. Often, children with autism will show strengths in grammar, punctuation and spelling as these are skills that a child could easily memorize the rules and procedures for doing. This kind of "stick-to-itiveness" enables students to build up another valuable academic strength, self-assurance. Considerate 12. Attention to detail. What tasks do I perform for hours and not feel tired? Enthusiastic 2. Honest and trustworthy. If your weakness is intolerance, learn now to tolerate people, learn how to take things easy, focus more on the good side of things than the insecurities. If you aren’t good at math, state it. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed or translated. Leadership skills – The ability to lead people forward, make progress, and replicate other leaders too. That all? Find out what naturally flows from you, what you love doing, that’s your strength. What areas do you excel at? Practical 11. Passive 12. If you experience some academic writing weaknesses in your papers, If you experience some academic writing weaknesses in your papers, don’t hesitate to contact an essay writing service – CustomWritings. Some examples of academic weaknesses are – Ability to Listen- To give someone complete listening ear. Then we flip the exercise. Dodgy flow. Unlike hard skills, these are skills that are … Read this: Academic Advisor: How to become the best ever. If you enjoyed this page, please consider bookmarking Simplicable. Short-sighted 11. Generally, you’ll focus on your soft skills as strengths — there are other ways for interviewers and recruiters to glean hard skills, whether it’s through take-home assignments, a coding interview or examples of your past work. You can use the following steps to identify your strengths and weaknesses: Before seeking opinions from people, spend some time alone evaluating yourself. Content that flows pulls readers smoothly from the first to the last word, without hiccups … Cookies help us deliver our site. Dullness. All rights reserved. Contemptuous 10. List of Strengths and Weaknesses 17 Good Examples of Strengths This complete list of strengths and weaknesses and how they present in the workplace will help you identify your own strengths and weaknesses. Are you a visual learner (learn by sight) or are you an auditory learner (learn by hearing) or are you a tactile learner (learn by touch), etc. Ability to learn from Mistakes – This has to do with the ability to accept mistakes when corrected. What was your answer? If you have the weakness of Procrastination, read this book, “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy. On the other hand, in our daily life, the academic strengths of a child can be honesty, self-respect, and talents that make that child exceptional and unique in his or her own way. They should be honest, trustworthy, and unbiased. Pushy 4. Trustworthy 4. Creativity. © 2010-2020 Simplicable. Originally published December 5, 2005 at 12:00 am. I have weaknesses just like you. Organization. Students who are diligent about their studies are often diligent about whatever else they put their minds to, such as jobs. Ax or Axe – (Similarities and differences between the two), GED vs High School Diploma (The major Difference), Abbreviation for Assistant – The best one. Cooperative. In contrast, the GT/LD student may be very strong in verbal skills, but have a clear weakness for number sense and math concepts. If you find the whole process somewhat difficult, you can ask yourself questions like: On a separate list, you can also state your learning style; how best you learn and understand information passed on to you. It will really help you to reduce procrastination to the last. Please indicate which of the positive behaviors listed below are strengths of the student. The skills a good student brings to the work table usually include creativity, organization and problem-solving. Caring 9. Strengths/Weaknesses – Phrases that describeCOMPREHENSION READING - GENERALStrengths Difficulty with/has not achieved or WRITTEN EXPRESSION-GENERAL follows directions that student reads accomplishes as compared to Difficulty with/has/has not peers/grade level: Achieved, as compared to peers: himself writes sentence or paragraph Readily Participates in class Overall pre-reading … You may be asked about your strengths and weaknesses in one question, or you may be asked about them in two separate questions. In the event that you are asked about strengths and weaknesses at the same time, discuss your weakness first so that you can end on a positive note. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and some can be developed over time. Observant 7. Helpful. Academic weaknesses are disadvantages an individual faces in a learning environment. Forceful 1. Your email address will not be published. Knowing your strengths allows you to build on them and grow stronger in the areas you excel at. Your email address will not be published. I’m also pretty good in math and sports. Many GT/LD students are strong mathematical thinkers and grasp taught concepts quickly. If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. This will help take note of your learning style and ensure you utilize your learning process. Collaboration: The ability to collaborate is one of the major. Almost every time, the strengths list is long and full of wonderful sentiments and statements, while the weakness list usually contains one or two things or nothing at all! Undisciplined 7. Resilience. Generous 10. This way we can figure out our top 5 weaknesses to start working on. Carole Martin, Monster contributor. Hardworking. Here are some suggested guidelines for discussing your strengths and weaknesses in a job interview. Tolerant 6. Indiscipline. If you have the weakness of aggressiveness and anger, get a life coach to direct you and help you make some vital decisions that you can help work on your anger issues. Aggressiveness. An overview of human behavior with examples. An overview of the color blue with a large blue palette. Caring and kind. Employers want to know how you manage the weakness and recognizing the weakness is the first essential step to managing it properly. The following article will cover a list of strengths and weaknesses you can mention in the job interview to stand out and the best answers that will impress the interviewer. Academic strengths include; curiosity, creativity, imagination, critical thinking, organization, time management, delayed gratification, and impulse control. Once you’re done, take three or five of those strengths and compare them to see which ones are up to the requirements of the job description, and make sure you can give accurate examples, stating why it is your strength when questioned further. A list of abilities that are commonly viewed as a talent as opposed to a commodity skill. After completing a BrainWare Cognitive Rating Scale for yourself, a child, a student or a patient, you may wish to pursue a more formal cognitive assessment. List of strengths for resumes, cover letters, and job interviews, examples of how to use them, and tips for discussing your strengths with employers. What are your past achievements? Perseverance. These can relate to skills, abilities, experience, knowledge and character traits. My weakness would be my lack of vocabulary, the ability to communicate well with others, and being shy around others. Be willing to learn from others. The next section covers the meeting’s plan. It helps motivates you and you become intentional about your efforts and what you want to gain. Discipline – The strength of being able to do the right thing at the right time. The definition of spaced practice with examples. Acknowledging your strengths helps boost your confidence levels. Time Management: The ability to keep time and follow the time schedule will go a long way in building your reputation and be known as one that keeps time. Leave a comment below for questions. It’s one of the major, Self Discipline: This is the ability to do the right thing at the right time. Leader vs Manager – What’s the difference? Read on, on academic strengths and weaknesses; A mentor is someone that has gone ahead of you, made mistakes, created the mistakes and is still moving on. Other student strengt… By clicking "Accept" or by continuing to use the site, you agree to our use of cookies. Dealing with criticism: This is how the child reacts when being criticized by a peer or on something h/she is not good at. Mistrustful 6. The most popular articles on Simplicable in the past day. Stubbornness. Sometimes a person's strengths and weaknesses … You begin to see things you are capable of, irrespective of your weaknesses, and you begin to appreciate yourself. Check o… Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Access the BrainWare Cognitive Rating Scales. Character strengths. If you have the self-discipline to study without procrastination (one of the major. Narrative Examples: Student Strengths *Please note these are examples of what statements might look like for various students. Earn $100- $200 from these online jobs for college students, Double Major: Do I really need it? Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses. Yea I know that Humility alone is a strength on its own so if you want to boost your academic strengths and reduce your weaknesses list, make up your mind to be willing to learn. Rude 9. Loyal. The academic strengths are inbound in you and are shown when you are in competition or when you have to show how good you are in a particular learning field. The definition of learning styles with examples. The academic strengths and academic weaknesses list show the things that a student can do and can improve upon. Her ability to understand directions The next section provides places for one to record a list in the attendees, their game titles whenever applicable, plus a check to remember which they were attending. The first essential step to managing it properly learning style and ensure you your... 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