did germany have nuclear weapons in ww2

dezembro 21, 2020 3:38 am Publicado por Deixe um comentário

A German historian has claimed in a new book that Nazi scientists successfully tested a tactical nuclear weapon in the last months of World War II. The date alone disrupts claims that the first J-390 flight was made in 1943. Notice the three engine tri-motor configuration, a big difference when compared to the six engine plane depicted by the artist. (see), The question is, how is it Ramsey, who did an excellent job drawing the P-40s come up with the idea of a six-engine German aircraft? One day at lunch or over coffee or drinks, and still struggling with his dilemma to complete the story, he mentioned his bomber problem to a fellow artist who just happened to be a cartoonist drawing comics day-to-day for the same publishing company. However, personally I have a tendency to lean toward the "not photoshopped" side, especially since strong evidence exists that the photo has long been known to exist in its present form with no known reason for it to have been modified, that is there was nothing to gain as the original owner, as far as I have been able to discern, had no dog in the hunt. She recovered what has been said to be a constructor's plate with raised lettering, albeit somewhat eroded but still readable, with the following: 6, dated January, 1944. The seven power stations still in … Before he had a chance to put the attack into motion, what was to be the lead ship, the L-70, was caught coming in over England at the low altitude --- for a Climber --- of around 17,000 feet and shot out of the sky with Stasser in command. When the refueling was completed he and the other two guards were forcibly nudged to get up and walk toward the plane. "(source) In the end the report states that the Allies believe the Germans fell short of triggering the nuclear chain reaction necessary to trigger a nuclear blast - but none could come up with an explanation for what occurred in the skies over Ludwigslust in 1944. On my page, as part of what I present regarding the shoot out, I used the four pages. In addition to exploitations, denial was an element of their efforts, i.e., the Americans and Soviets conducted their respective operations to try to deny German technology, personnel, and material to the other party. A resident of Burlington, Vermont, Ruben Paul Whittemore, has reported he had relatives who witnessed the recovery of three bodies found in the Penobscot river estuary on September 28, 1944 and taken by the U.S. Coast Guard to Rockland Maine Station. A ship or a boat with fuel obtained or loaded in Canada from a mother ship would meet the trucks somewhere along the shore near the outlet of Pendills Creek offloading the fuel however difficult, albeit giving a direct easy access through the woods to the airfield. THE GHOST AND THE HAUNTED B-29 They took his truck and although they left him to bleed out he survived. Home of … At Buchenwald, there were shrunken heads, human skin lampshades and ashtrays made from human bones. (source) Fission weapons are commonly referred to as atomic bombs, and fusion weapons are referred to as thermonuclear bombs or, more commonly, hydrogen bombs. The following is from Footnote [3] as found on the Goose Shoot page: When my uncle discovered in some roundabout way that he actually knew Harry Ramsey, the artist who did the drawings used in the Goose Shoot, my uncle, knowing how much I loved the story decided to put into place a situation where the two of us could actually meet. As quick as the plane come to a stop than a tanker truck pulled up and started refueling it. The quote is from the source so cited: The quote is from the source so cited: "He was doing routine guard duty sometime around midnight out along the edges of the facility when he was taken to the ground by a group of armed men. The difficulty most historians have with such a claim is that the Ju-390's first flight is officially stamped into the records as happening two months later, on October 20 1943. At the time we were talking I didn't know the difference between one German bomber and the next, and for the most part still don't to this day. The aircraft warning installations and anti-aircraft emplacements were also to be abandoned. Before he had a chance to put the attack into motion, what was to be the lead ship, the L-70, was caught coming in over England at the low altitude --- for a Climber --- of around 17,000 feet and shot out of the sky with Stasser in command. That would make the Ju-390 coming up short by at least 1,200 miles, running out of fuel someplace over the north Atlantic on its return unless it was refueled somewhere, somehow along the way. So why did Captain Alois Liethen take the four generals to Ohrdruf instead of Buchenwald? The source for the majority of the airfield use by the German bomber is from a personal interview with an actual eyewitness to the event, a former airman doing routine guard duty the night the plane swept on to the base. As soon as it emptied a second truck pulled up just as quick. Captain Alois Liethen was a U.S. Intelligence Officer assigned to Ohrdruf to investigate the camp for the military. The difficulty most historians have with such a claim is that the Ju-390's first flight is officially stamped into the records as happening two months later, on October 20 1943. It so happened, directly under their flight plan from Canada to Michigan, on the U.S. side right at that conjunction of the two Great Lakes and out in the middle of nowhere, there existed a massive, little used, little known and little defended giant air field. "There was a slight tremor in the bunker; a sudden, blinding flash, and then a thick cloud of smoke. Top-ranked generals and pilots from all over the world would come by to pay him homage. German commandos secured the area long enough for the landing, refueling and takeoff, all of which apparently went off without a hitch. The photo of RC+DA is given credit to having been taken by a merchant seaman named Ron Wylie of convoy KMF-5 while in support of Operation TORCH. With a few minor changes such as the tail section, from two vertical stabilizers to one, Ramsey used the same low level cartoonist's drawings for his own bomber inspiration. As quick as the plane come to a stop than a tanker truck pulled up and started refueling it. In December 1952, the North Korean government established the Academy of Sciences and the Atomic Energy Research Institute. During that same period, for whatever reason, he and my uncle formed a bond, and with that bond there developed an opening to some wartime background experiences including some of the things already alluded to. German scientists also did research on other chemical weapons during the war, including human experimentation with mustard gas. At the time we were talking I didn't know the difference between one German bomber and the next, and for the most part still don't to this day. Marie. Why did all the US Army generals visit this small camp and no other? What was most intriguing for me was that when (Ramsey) was creating the drawings for the story neither did he. A German historian has claimed in a new book presented on Monday that Nazi scientists successfully tested a tactical nuclear weapon in the last months of World War II. He also reported, like Werner, that local residents complained of headaches, and spitting up blood. The statement of the German test pilot Hans Zinsser in the file is considered evidence: the missile expert says he observed in 1944 a mushroom cloud in the sky during a test flight near Ludwigslust. Trucks of that nature typically carried around 750 gallons of fuel which, to top off the Ju-390, would require either several trucks or several trips or both, none of which is known how it was done. Nazi Germany did manage to drop a basic nuclear device in a test near the town of Ludwigslust, according to declassified file APO 696. It is known that Hitler pursued the goal of nuclear technology and wanted his V-2 rockets to be able to carry them to destroy the UK. The photo was taken by merchant seaman Ron Whylie whilst his convoy KMF-5 was under attack in late 1942. The photo was taken by merchant seaman Ron Whylie whilst his convoy KMF-5 was under attack in late 1942. What was most intriguing for me was that when (Ramsey) was creating the drawings for the story neither did he. The location of the airfield was less than six miles due south through the forest from Pendills Bay which is wedged along the lakeshore between the larger Whitefish Bay of the even larger Lake Superior. "A copy of his photo of RC+DA was long held by the Museum in Vienna and published by German test pilot Hans Werner Lerche in his own autobiography. Most people who ascribe any amount of credibility to the downed craft said to be laying in the water off the coast of Maine pretty much agree it's mission was not recon like the August 28, 1943 flight, but to bomb New York. As found reported in ZEPPELINS: High Altitude Warships, near the end of World War I an attack on the city of New York, composed of three special type of rigid airships called Height Climbers, was being put into place and advocated by Korvettenkapitan Peter Strasser. (please click) Because of that clearance I met a person called "Harry the Man," who, at that time was considered to be the top-rated high altitude breathing equipment specialist in the world. When we eventually left, they made us put on a sort of coat and trousers which seemed to me to be made of asbestos and we went to the scene of the explosion, which was about one and a half kilometers away. Marie. What was most intriguing for me was that when (Ramsey) was creating the drawings for the story neither did he. Confirmation of this is that RC+DA displays the white North Africa service fuselage band used up to May 1945 by LTS.290. At the time we were talking I didn't know the difference between one German bomber and the next, and for the most part still don't to this day. The question is, what would that use as a game changer have been. However, over the years following the war quite a number of empty 44 gallon drums similar to the one pictured below were found up and down along the beach and under the water not far Pendills Creek. Campbell was extremely tight lipped about the Siberia thing and to my knowledge he never told anybody other than my uncle about it that I know of. The truth is that National Socialist Germany could not possibly have built a weapon like the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. A USN Intelligence report in June 1945 asserts the Japanese already had full performance details for the Ju-390 by October 1943.(source). Strong electrical disturbances and the impossibility to continue radio communication as by lighting turned up. "The German nuclear energy project, was an attempted clandestine scientific effort led by Germany to develop and produce atomic weapons during World War II. As usual the Germans had a plan --- or at the very least an ace up their sleeve, no matter how unplayable it may have appeared on the surface. 2. They were able to free themselves but couldn't get out of the shed until someone came across them and let them out." I was in Germany after WW2 saw the destruction and smiled well you Germans started it, and we did a better job to Finish it A USN Intelligence report in June 1945 asserts the Japanese already had full performance details for the Ju-390 by October 1943. No Ju-290 nor Ju-390 would have used this white band after May 1943. By the end of 1944 there was only one company of men left at nearby Fort Brady. Because of the nature of the secrecy surrounding the plane, working there required me to obtain a confidential clearance. That airfield, originally built to defend the Soo locks on the Sault Ste. GHOST P-40: THE LORE, LEGENDS AND HER WHEREABOUTS Lerche confirmed the aircraft RC+DA was indeed a Ju-390 aircraft. When my uncle discovered in some roundabout way that he actually knew Harry Ramsey, the artist who did the drawings used in the Goose Shoot, my uncle, knowing how much I loved the story decided to put into place a situation where the two of us could actually meet. "Interestingly the photo snapped of RC+DA was taken during an attack on a Malta Convoy in 1942, suggesting this aircraft was possibly operated by LTS.290 in North Africa. The quote is from the source so cited: "This highlights perhaps the biggest difference between the German and American nuclear research programs. The aircraft would still be carrying some fuel when it set down, just not enough for a complete round trip, and knowing it would take thousands of gallons to top it off and, although there was a possibility the airfield had a store of aviation fuel somewhere, not wanting to take a chance the Germans wanted to ensure not only its availability but that the total control was under their own hand by not tipping their hand. The testimony of the four German scientists in the declassified American report mentions a top secret meeting held in Berlin in 1943 at which armaments minister and Hitler favourite Albert Speer was present for the discussion called a "nuclear summit.". I have a page on the web called the P-40 Goose Shoot that describes an air battle that occurred over the southern Mediterranean and the coast of North Africa on April 18, 1943. The photograph of the JU-390 a few paragraphs above-back, said to have been taken from a convoy ship supplying the beachhead during Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of North Africa in late 1942. The above graphic depicts a JU-52, the type troop transport that was on the recipient or loosing end of P-40s during the 100 plane North Africa "Goose Shoot." Before the Ju-390 ever left Europe German agents scrounged around for a couple 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 airfield fuel trucks or equivalent. Compared to a strict bombing run on New York and back, flying in over Canada and exiting directly out over the Empire State Building would put somewhere in the vicinity of 1,200 additional miles on a round trip flight --- meaning of course, ending up with a major fuel deficit of at least 2,400 miles returning to Europe. At a certain moment, the news came through that detonation was imminent," he said. Marie canal had, as depicted above, a triangular shaped configuration of three interconnecting over 5,000 foot long concrete runways. ", ----------AS SO GRACIOUSLY OFFERED BY----------A READER OF MY WORKS. "Interestingly the photo snapped of RC+DA was taken during an attack on a Malta Convoy in 1942, suggesting this aircraft was possibly operated by LTS.290 in North Africa. The photo of RC+DA is given credit to having been taken by a merchant seaman named Ron Wylie of convoy KMF-5 while in support of Operation TORCH. "Interestingly the photo snapped of RC+DA was taken during an attack on a Malta Convoy in 1942, suggesting this aircraft was possibly operated by LTS.290 in North Africa. Kelly Johnson of the Lockheed Skunk works was his friend as well as Howard Hughes. FWU WURKE Nb 135?34 (Gbs: Fliegeroberstkommando Rdt.). Since the above information was put online quite a number of emails have been received wanting to know just what the "it" was that the Soviets absconded from the Nazis at the close of the war in Europe. One of the witnesses states he saw one body in a uniform later identified as a German Luftwaffe Signal Corps Uniform, (grey-blue with yellow/brown collar tabs).(see). That airfield, originally built to defend the Soo locks on the Sault Ste. Marie canal had, as depicted above, a triangular shaped configuration of three interconnecting over 5,000 foot long concrete runways. Compared to a strict bombing run on New York and back, flying in over Canada and exiting directly out over the Empire State Building would put somewhere in the vicinity of 1,200 additional miles on a round trip flight --- meaning of course, ending up with a major fuel deficit of at least 2,400 miles returning to Europe. What was most intriguing for me was that when (Ramsey) was creating the drawings for the story neither did he. … However, the device used in Rugen Island blast was said to have bypassed the heavy-water bomb and went straight to the use of uranium and done so under the direct hand of the SS. The photo clearly shows a white 'Afrika' band used for identification of German aircraft operating in the Mediterranean, or North Africa. Even before the outbreak of war in 1939, a group of American scientists–many of them refugees from fascist regimes in Europe–became concerned with nuclear weapons research being conducted in Nazi Germany. Most likely any fully operable and deliverable atomic device would have been aimed toward nothing but the destruction of New York City. One of men was flat on his back all but unconscious and visibly quite ill after apparently having been bitten by a rattlesnake with the bite being left untreated. The photo was taken by merchant seaman Ron Whylie whilst his convoy KMF-5 was under attack in late 1942. To demonstrate the successful completion of such an attack to the German High Command, Strasser had flown the L-59 nonstop from Bulgaria to the Sudan in Africa and back. In the end what I have presented about the German bomb being the first or not doesn't impact the overall thesis in what I have presented elsewhere about the American bomb being first. For more on the JU-390 photograph see: There are as well many comments, both pro and con, about the possibility of the photo being "photoshopped." The newer Height Climbers had even greater range. October 20th was in fact the date when the Allies intercepted a diplomatic signal to Tokyo giving a table of performance details for the Ju-390, which was so explicit that it was impossible for a program of test flights to have established all this in just the last ten days of october 1944. Express. Notice the three engine tri-motor configuration, a big difference when compared to the six engine plane depicted by the artist. That air battle involved 46 P-40s shooting down a fleet of 100 fully loaded German Junker troop transports flying just above sea level escorted by 50 Messerschmitt fighters, apparently all fleeing Tunisia in a concerted last ditch effort to reach Sicily. They knew the end was closing in on them and any last major "big bang" of a coup that could possibly turn the tide in their favor, give them a breather, or extend the war long enough to finish the development, operational reliability, and production on some of the weapons they were working on such as the V-2 rocket, Me 262 jet fighter and the massive six engine 7000 mile range Ju 390. "He was doing routine guard duty sometime around midnight out along the edges of the facility when he was taken to the ground by a group of armed men. JUNKERSMOTORENWERKE (Agts: Haan) "A copy of his photo of RC+DA was long held by the Museum in Vienna and published by German test pilot Hans Werner Lerche in his own autobiography. However, by the time the flight was to be put into motion the Azores had already fallen well within the sphere of the Allies and unavailable to the Axis. Much of the knowledge garnered from the hijacked material was said to have been incorporated into the U.S. efforts that led to the destruction of Hiroshima, something Campbell was not comfortable living with. It so happened, directly under their flight plan from Canada to Michigan, on the U.S. side right at that conjunction of the two Great Lakes and out in the middle of nowhere, there existed a massive, little used, little known and little defended giant air field. A four page illustrated story on the attack appeared in BLUE BOLT No. The aircraft warning installations and anti-aircraft emplacements were also to be abandoned. Did he just happen to look up from his drawing table on the afternoon of August 28, 1943 and see the fly over of the six-engine Junker and simply incorporate them into his story published January 1944 as though they as a bomber were an everyday German plane? DOCUMENTS unearthed in an American archive suggest that Nazi Germany may have tested an operational nuclear bomb before the end of the Second World War. Sources indicate that an estimated 130 United Statesnuclear weapons at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany appear to have been removed in July 2007. That explosion is said to have been the second of two nuclear devices the Germans set off just at the end of the war. The two other ships trailing behind immediately raised altitude beyond the range of the fighters and escaped. AREA 51, GROOM LAKE, ROSWELL Their location is top secret - but it's an open secret where the last US nuclear weapons are stored in Germany. The photo clearly shows a white 'Afrika' band used for identification of German aircraft operating in the Mediterranean, or North Africa. The aircraft would still be carrying some fuel when it set down, just not enough for a complete round trip, and knowing it would take thousands of gallons to top it off and, although there was a possibility the airfield had a store of aviation fuel somewhere, not wanting to take a chance the Germans wanted to ensure not only its availability but that the total control was under their own hand by not tipping their hand. The date alone disrupts claims that the first J-390 flight was made in 1943. That would make the Ju-390 coming up short by at least 1,200 miles, running out of fuel someplace over the north Atlantic on its return unless it was refueled somewhere, somehow along the way. Gunson states it is not a photo montage at all. There is certainly now several sources which suggest they did have nuclear weapons. There are thought to be around 20 warheads at the German Büchel military base. To demonstrate the successful completion of such an attack to the German High Command, Strasser had flown the L-59 nonstop from Bulgaria to the Sudan in Africa and back. That would make the Ju-390 coming up short by at least 1,200 miles, running out of fuel someplace over the north Atlantic on its return unless it was refueled somewhere, somehow along the way. Lerche confirmed the aircraft RC+DA was indeed a Ju-390 aircraft. The German program was divided and competitive; whereas, under the leadership of General Leslie Groves, … The next day his fellow artist went through his morgue and came up with a series of three or four pencil sketches he drew dated August 1943 of a huge six engine plane with a German insignia on the fuselage he saw flying by his high perch window one day in the sky over New York. In that the U.S. over-flight was intended to be a one off round trip sortie, putting into place an elaborate or long term refueling facility would be unnecessary --- not only that, besides blatantly giving away any of their secret intentions, such a facility would also be difficult to construct, support, and defend. The surprisingly quickly gained ‘Blitz’ victories in the years 1939 to 1940, as well as the initial great successes with the Operation Barbarossa, evidently proved the correctness of the ‘Blitzkrieg’ (lightning war) strategy. Agents scrounged around for a couple 2 1/2 Ton 6x6 airfield fuel trucks or equivalent them.... Filled with 40 bodies there are as well many comments, both because the. U.S. efforts they were able to free themselves but could n't get out of the War the., I used the four pages also did research on other chemical weapons a fraction Americans! Generals and pilots from all over the World would come by to him. 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