use forest in a sentence

dezembro 21, 2020 3:38 am Publicado por Deixe um comentário

Yes. He represents the Essex constituency of Epping, 12. Dan had given her a jacket, but their slow crawl through the forest had left her soaked and shivering. Mining would pollute the lake and denude the, 12. Menu. While walking through the temperate forest, the rain began to fall heavily through the leaves in the warm summer temperature. "Hurrah-ah-ah!" A breeze swept over the tops of the trees to make them sway but didn't reach the still air of the forest floor. forest with tiny villages huddled in the distance. On the forest floor, two rabbit-sized, hoofed animals hop through the low underbrush. The cool forest shade was soon defeated by the lack of air movement. He lowered the sword he was using to hack through the brush and started in that direction. Cloke, Paul J (ed) Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations ( 1989 ) The park is simultaneously an incredible wetland and one of the best examples of tropical dry forest … Farther south is the forest of Darnaway, famous for its oaks, in which stands the earl of Moray's mansion of Darnaway Castle. A narrow track wound steeply up through dense, 4. The blond Amazon and Dan raced toward her from the gutted forest. Acid rain has a devastating effect on the, 17. have been set apart for regular forest operations which are carried on by convict labour. Before they had ridden to the outskirts of the forest Petya had considered he must carry out his instructions strictly and return at once. They rode across the pasture and entered a path through the forest. Then we are told of the greatness of soul of the marshals, especially of Ney--a greatness of soul consisting in this: that he made his way by night around through the forest and across the Dnieper and escaped to Orsha, abandoning standards, artillery, and nine tenths of his men. The more rugged districts and higher elevations are clad with such tropical forest trees as ebony, Spanish cedar, sandalwood, rosewood and mahogany. She crossed the road and walked into the pine forest, towards the small town. Beneath the hood, he took in the numbers of demons present. Toby stared at him then took his pink coat and crawled deeper into the little cave. Gabriel was at his place in the underworld, a small cottage tucked into Death.s realm, in the Everdark forest of Immortal trees whose hissing, fanlike leaves and snake-like branches moved to catch the quiet wind. He wanted to track any remaining demons in the forest and kill them, too. Just that maybe Sherwood Forest wasn't heaven for Mr. Byrne after all. The fire had depleted the game in the, 26. She watched dark shapes mill and drop as the smoke cleared until they wised up and took refuge in the forest. He loped along the trail through the forest and trotted into the park around the castle, where the person he least wanted to see awaited him with a glower and crossed arms. Rhyn opened the portal to the shadow world and walked through the damp fog to the forest outside the castle. The maiden name of the poet's mother was Mary Arden, and this name, that of an ancient county family, survives in the district north-west of Stratford, the Forest of Arden, though the true forest character is long lost. Spamster 239354 There was nothing but forest as far as the eye could see. An energy crop could be a permanent forest of trees that convert sunlight to liquid fuel and deliver the fuel directly through their roots to a network of underground pipelines. He'd roamed the palace that was his home many times before returning to live out of the tiny cabin he preferred in the Everdark forest. Breakfast in the forest where we went the first night we made love. The hardships of a forest life also took its toll on her. Edelweiss serves a traditional selection including apple streudel and black forest cake. Jenn jogged until she was warm then settled into as quick of a walk as she could through the thick forest and tall snow. It is an absolute study of a phase of Australian forest life. Rhyn's jaw clenched, and he looked up at the sky. He hadn't thought twice about running into her in the forest. In the twilight saddled horses could be seen, and Cossacks and hussars who had rigged up rough shelters in the glade and were kindling glowing fires in a hollow of the forest where the French could not see the smoke. She pushed herself up, reaching into a pocket for a food and water cube. The state was originally covered with a dense forest mostly of hardwood timber, and although the merchantable portion of this has been practically all cut away, there are still undergrowths of young timber and a great variety of trees. Brady scanned the surrounding forest again, trying to figure out which way Lana had gone. "They'll cweep up to the garden; you'll wide up fwom there with the Cossacks"--he pointed to a spot in the forest beyond the village--"and I with my hussars fwom here. The sounds and smells of the forest nearly caused them to lose focus and stop running to fully experience their surroundings. The types of vegetation (tropical forests, sclerophyllous forest, temperate forests, tundra, &c.) thus briefly outlined are groups of Schimpers climatic formations. The forest regions of Cochin-China harbour the tiger, panther, leopard, tiger-cat, ichneumon, wild boar, deer, buffalo, rhinoceros and elephant, as well as many varieties of monkeys and rats. World class vistas, trickling silver rivers of high snow melt-off, sky as blue as a queen's velvet robe, and the green and grey of forest and rock towering in every direction—all went unseen. The surface on the whole is hilly and is partly occupied by offshoots of the Thuringian Forest; the highest summits are found in the eastern half, where the Kieferle reaches 2849 ft. Malarial fevers make their appearance in places where the forest has been recently felled, or where the surface earth has been disturbed. She heard them coming, the sound of creatures crashing through the forest. In many districts the land has been cleared and cultivated and then abandoned, and has relapsed into scrub and jungle which is gradually returning to the condition of forest. Among the inoffensive species are counted the graceful green "tree snake," which pursues frogs, birds and lizards to the topmost branches of the forest; also several species of pythons, the commonest of which is known as the carpet snake. to the south-east is the pine forest of Castel Fusano, taking its name from a castle erected by the marchese Sacchetti in the 6th century. Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain, 26. By denouncing the evil deeds of John and the innovations practised by him, it shows what these were and how they were hated; how money had been raised, how forest areas had been extended, how minors and widows had been cheated and oppressed. A figure appeared from the forest between her and the river. The more important sectarian schools are Wake Forest College (Baptist, opened 1834 as a " manual labour and classical institute "; as a college, 1838) at Wake Forest, 16 m. This division is not so clearly marked in the south, especially in the "matta" (forest) regions, where the rainfall ranges from 59 to 65 in. We've got plenty of wood, though, from the forest. Two people were all he knew with certainty: Sofia and the Watcher with his forest green eyes. The left side of the forest was dark in the shade, the right side glittered in the sunlight, wet and shiny and scarcely swayed by the breeze. Rhyn ran after him, feeling alive as they raced through the enchanted forest towards a fate he wasn't entirely certain how to handle yet. The forest below her rustled, and she froze. She ran outside the walls of the fortress into the forest. He stood and hauled Kris to his feet, indicating the forest. And when he had blessed them, all began to sing; and the whole forest was filled with sweetness and joy because of their wonderful melodies. 's time, the king's forest of the Peak, in Derbyshire, is especially mentioned as infested with wolves, and it was not until the reign of Henry VII. He made love to her under the forest canopy, the way he had their first night. The creature didn't hear his soft step, and the snapping of the demon's neck was the only other sound in the falling rain. 5. The whole forest was already clothed in green. Coniferous forest formations, e.g., of Pinus sylvestris, Picea f~. Another word for forests. In future attendance at the forest courts is only obligatory on those who have business thereat. Deidre stared into the forest where he'd disappeared. In mentioning a visit to Lexington, Mass., she writes: As we rode along we could see the forest monarchs bend their proud forms to listen to the little children of the woodlands whispering their secrets. Sumatra, the largest of the islands, is but thinly peopled; the greater part of the surface is covered with dense forest, the cultivated area being comparatively small, confined to the low lands, and chiefly in the volcanic region near the centre of the island. You saw something in the forest; Brutus was growling and you had to be told to get out of there? His power moved through her like a wind in a forest. At a cost of $5,000,000 a new medical school, hospital and children's hospital, occupying several city blocks fronting on Forest Park, have been completed since 1911. She entered the forest, and the darkness was crushing, suffocating her. A forest is an area of land dominated by trees. Moonlight glinted off pursuers' weapons as they crashed through the forest. From the Khingan ranges to the Pacific, south of the Amur, stretch the rich districts of Manchuria, a province which connects Russia with the Korea by a series of valleys formed by the Sungari and its affluents - a land of hill and plain, forest and swamp, possessing a delightful climate, and vast undeveloped agricultural resources. European plains - the tundras, including the Arctic islands, the forest region, especially the coniferous part of it, and the ante-steppe and steppes of the black earth region. He grappled to control what he could, aware he would soon not have that option. At the comparatively remote epoch when the Deccan was a forest tract, they were probably also met with there, but the swamps of the Bengal Sundarbans appear unsuited to their habits. They rode out of the forest on the hillside above the guest house and rested the horses again. Forest pronunciation. The turrets of a convent stood out beyond a wild virgin pine forest, and far away on the other side of the Enns the enemy's horse patrols could be discerned. Toby emerged from the early morning shadows of the forest. The temple lay deep within Vara clapped him on the arm and retreated toward the forest. The forest products of the state include fine woods, rubber, ipecacuanha, sarsaparilla, jaborandi, vanilla and copaiba. They seemed to walk for hours, until the first rays of morning lightened the forest. 7. forests (ISSN 1999-4907) is a peer-reviewed open access journal of forestry and forest … The vegetation of the island is characterized by tropical luxuriance, - the moutainous regions being clad with dense forest, in which various species of palms, the camphor-tree (Laurus Camplaora), and the aloe are conspicuous. She pulled her arm free and ran behind Gabriel as he kept to the invisible path. Three guards surrounded Rissa, whose writhing, squealing horse was as much of a menace to her as the attackers flooding from the forest. Aaron glanced around the clearing and examined the forest beyond. Dvina, and the Bison europea to the Byelovyezh forest in Grodno. Common in the forests. My house was on the side of a hill, immediately on the edge of the larger wood, in the midst of a young forest of pitch pines and hickories, and half a dozen rods from the pond, to which a narrow footpath led down the hill. In Edward II. The foresters, therefore, clear the forest floor of excessive leaf … Trekkers, campers and bikers will enjoy the forest, swimmers will love dipping in the lakes, and skiers will adore the pristine slopes in the winter. The forests and fields on either side are nothing to them. She squeezed her hand closed to hide the number and faced the forest, waiting for him to reappear. In most places the jungle is so dense that it is impossible to force a way through it without the aid of a wood-knife, and even the wild beasts use well-worn game-tracks through the forest. Early in the morning of the twelfth of June he came out of his tent, which was pitched that day on the steep left bank of the Niemen, and looked through a spyglass at the streams of his troops pouring out of the Vilkavisski forest and flowing over the three bridges thrown across the river. the country is one vast forest, except where the natives have cleared the land for cultivation. On the Swiss Alps it is one of the most prevalent and striking of the forest trees, its dark evergreen foliage often standing out in strong contrast to the snowy ridges and glaciers beyond. she asked, suddenly nervous under his scrutiny. The plants showing it are not all forest trees, hut include also some Pteridophytes and some of the prothallia of the Ferns, Club-mosses, Liverworts and Horsetails. The woodman sang of the wild forest; the plowman sang of the fields; the shepherd sang of his sheep; and those who listened forgot about the storm and the cold weather. Lana's heart skipped a beat, and she pulled out the tracker Elise gave her, starting through the forest towards the stream. The forest vegetation, largely confined to the "Isle of Isles" and the southern uplands, includes the Adansonia (baobab), which in the Fazogli district attains gigantic proportions, the tamarind, of which bread is made, the deleb palm, several valuable gum trees (whence the term Sennari often applied in Egypt to gumarabic), some dyewoods, ebony, ironwood and many varieties of acacia. Throughout the homeland of the Penan, sago and rattan, palms, lianas, and fruit trees lie crushed on the forest floor. He proceeded instantly to the forest for wood, being resolved that it should not be made of unsuitable material; and as he searched for and rejected stick after stick, his friends gradually deserted him, for they grew old in their works and died, but he grew not older by a moment. use forest life in a sentence, and forest life example sentences 1. CM 269496 Forest conservation is an important issue all over the world. Except such as are of coral formation, the Antilles are hilly, not to say mountainous, their summits rising in places to an elevation of 8000 ft., and nearly all, prior to their occupation by Europeans, were covered with luxuriant forest, which, assisting in the collection and condensation of the clouds brought by the trade winds, ensured its own vitality by precipitating frequent and long-continued rains; upon the fertile soil. Example sentences for: forest How can you use “forest” in a sentence? Vara was still for only a moment before he whirled and grabbed Taran, pulling him toward the forest. He closed his eyes and imagined himself to be one of the great cats he tracked in the forest. (6) The tropical forest, which represents the maximum of plant luxuriance, stimulated by the heaviest rainfall, greatest heat and strongest light. Katie watched as the forest cleared a path for him, the way it had before. forest reserve in a sentence - Use "forest reserve" in a sentence 1. The final leg of the journey was a long dirt road that climbed first through a grove of fir followed by an unbroken forest of hard­wood just beginning to bud. With increasing altitude vegetation becomes more varied and abundant, until the tree limit is reached; then follows a forest belt, which in the highest mountains is limited above by cold as it is below by aridity. In the forest he would be thought ungainly, because his face is stretched out and his neck is uselessly long. How to use forest in a sentence. The plan to build the road through the, 23. I guess these forests are pretty well alive with them. His gaze traveled the length of the glowing forest to the walls and settled in the direction of the magic Springs. "We must go, my king," Hilden said, emerging from the forest. It moved silently and quickly down the winding road through the forest. Lights from lasers and muzzle fire spotted the forest below them before they reached an urban area, mostly dark with several patches of electricity. She was unaware of where she went until a death dealer faded from the surrounding forest. French's best-known work is "Death Staying the Hand of the Sculptor," a memorial for the tomb of the sculptor Martin Milmore, in the Forest Hills cemetery, Boston; this received a medal of honour at Paris, in 1900. She started towards the forest hedging the road adjacent to the condo community. Find more ways to say forests, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. he asked again. Relieved, he snatched a torch and waved it thrice, until Vara wheeled and disappeared into the forest. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word forests? "Do you have any questions?" The refugees evaded capture by hiding in the, 7. He maneuvered his way through the forest until he found the place near the warm springs at the center of the stream, where they'd gone their first night together. The hunters camped in the midst of the thick, 27. m., and other remains are found in the neighbouring forest. In the area of the Newer Appalachian Mountains, the eastern Panhandle region has a forest similar to that of the plateau district; but between these two areas of hardwood there is a long belt where spruce and white pine cover the mountain ridges. It embraces over 10,000 acres, including the Blue Hill reservation (about 5000 acres), the highest land in eastern Massachusetts, a beautiful reservation of forest, crag and pond known as Middlesex Fells, two large beach bath reservations on the harbour at Revere and Hull (Nantasket), and the boating section of the Charles river. There weren't as many as he expected but far more than he could fight without his magic. Brady's attention shifted again to the forest. His body was hot from the inside out despite the cold rain falling in the forest. In 1871 much of it was destroyed by a forest fire. He then pushed on, through a very thick forest, with scarcely any water, till he came to the streams which supply the Roper, a river flowing into the western part of the Gulf of Carpentaria. It was even supposed by some that the pond had sunk, and this was one of the primitive forest that formerly stood there. Darkyn said nothing else and walked away, disappearing into the morning shadows of the forest. The population is small, rude and uncivilized; and the surface is rough and mountainous and generally covered with forest except near the coast, to the alluvial lands on which settlers have been attracted from various surrounding countries. Sunday began with a lost boy who we located in a local forest but was found by the time we called in the tip. click for more sentences of forest … The 4th tablet contains a description of the formidable Khumbaba, the guardian of the cedar forest. About Forest A 2 syllables noun and 6 letters with the letters e, f, o, r, s, and t, 4 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letters re. Arrangements not very different in general principle were put into practice in the United States by Fessenden, de Forest and others. Dunstable (Dunestaple, Donestaple) first appears as a royal borough in the reign of Henry I., who, according to tradition, on account of the depredations of robbers, cleared the forest where Watling Street and the Icknield Way met, and encouraged his subjects to settle there by various grants of privileges. Brady turned away and started towards the forest. "Tell me why the forest is crawling with demons," he said and turned to Sasha. The demon side of him rendered his presence similar enough to a full-demon's that the others wouldn't be alarmed. west stretches the Stadtwald, a forest with charming walks and drives. Brandon rode ahead of her most of the time, dropping back beside her when they emerged from the forest. He wrapped a thick arm around her throat and dragged her from the forest. This region of dense tropical rain forest is situated on the lowland plateau in the central northern portion of the Amazon Basin in Brazil with tiny sections just touching Colombia and Venezuela.. He pushed the waterproof cloak off him. Its size was camouflaged by the surrounding forest and technology. Such is oftenest the young man's introduction to the forest, and the most original part of himself. From now on, when you get the urge to explore the forest, call me. Broadly speaking, the American portion of the sub-region consists of an Atlantic and Pacific forest area and an intervening non-forest one, partly occupied by the Rocky Mountains, partly by intervening plains. CM 1702524 He enjoys wandering around the forest in his spare time. She inched closer to the point where he'd appeared then hurried by to the edge of the forest. Jenn couldn't help feeling more comfortable here than in the forest, when it was just the two of them. He represents the Essex constituency of Epping, 5. The extensive forest of Eu lies to the southeast of the town. The size and manner of growth of the adult plant show a great variety, from the small herb lasting for one season only, to the forest tree living for centuries. The forest has never so good a setting, nor is so distinctly beautiful, as when seen from the middle of a small lake amid hills which rise from the water's edge; for the water in which it is reflected not only makes the best foreground in such a case, but, with its winding shore, the most natural and agreeable boundary to it. Here are many translated example sentences containing "FOREST TENURE" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations. A richly colored dining room in shades of mahogany and forest green provides a warm ambiance for guests. They agree and the viewers are presented with a hedgehog in a foggy forest. Brady started down the trail towards the darkness of the forest. Forest in a sentence 1. At one time the count thought of giving her the Ryazan estate or of selling a forest, at another time of borrowing money on a note of hand. The forest extends, with great luxuriance, to an elevation of 12,000 ft., above which the sub-alpine region may be said to begin, in which rhododendron scrub often covers the ground up to 13,000 or 14,000 ft. From 8000 to 12,000 ft., a thick forest of deciduous trees is almost universal, above which a sub-alpine region is reached, and vegetation as on the east continues up to 18,000 ft. She turned her back to him, hoping he.d fly off in his pterodactyl form or disappear into the depths of the forest as a jaguar. Gabriel watched Deidre's small form walk into the forest. About midnight they heard the sound of steps in the snow of the forest, and the crackling of dry branches. The withered grass and the bushes were transformed into a forest of icicles. And the adjutant galloped through the forest after Grekov. The shaded forest was cool and quiet, as if all the animals and trees watched and waited. Megan closed her eyes and imagined she was in a rain forest along the Amazon. One part of it dispersed and waded knee-deep through the snow into a birch forest to the right of the village, and immediately the sound of axes and swords, the crashing of branches, and merry voices could be heard from there. Elbeuf, a town of wide, clean streets, with handsome houses and factories, stands on the left bank of the Seine at the foot of hills over which extends the forest of Elbeuf. Wild boars are also found in mountainous and forest districts. 2. Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill. Jade closed his eyes, drew a deep breath, and stepped from the forest. A collection of woody plants, one of the largest and finest in the world, and a broad forest and hunting preserve, known as Pisgah Forest (ioo,000 acres), are also maintained by the owner. She'd traveled nonstop, sticking to narrow country roads and the forest to avoid both people and zones marked as having any sort of radiation fallout from the nuke strikes. There is a state fish and game commissioner, and the state has a fish hatchery at Roxbury and a forest and game farm at Sharon. The fire had died overnight. Spirits dampened, Jule watched Rourk leave for the pub before Transporting himself to the forest side of the Other's property. She stiffened and peered into the forest. His gaze was on some point in the forest. She incoherently described the depths of the forest, her feelings, and a talk with a beekeeper she met, and constantly interrupted her story to say: No, I can't! Learn the definition of the word "forest-a" and how to use forest-a in a sentence. Cursing, he went to the wall overlooking the meadow and spotted Vara atop his horse, awaiting his signal at the edge of the forest. 2. Fish stocks have diminished and forest … Moonlight glinted off the swords at his hip, and a cold ocean breeze swept up the Western Cliffs, rolled over them, and rustled the branches of the nearby forest. Year by year the influence of the Mahommedan tribes on the north leads to the cutting down of the forest, the extension of both planting and pasture and the introduction of cattle and even horses. Gabe cast an irritated look over his shoulder but looked where she indicated. Need to translate "FOREST TENURE" from english and use correctly in a sentence? She hurried from the forest, vowing she would never go back. Megan reached inside the door and grabbed the broom as the deer disappeared into the forest again. Toby clambered through the brush and trees after him, the angel's footsteps loud where Rhyn's were silent. The trees gave way at the strange human forest, an environmentally friendly burial ground for remains... 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