what is humanities pdf

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R8: ‘Why fund the research in the humanities?’ Just because it’s fun. litera-, If these optimists are right, we need to be able to exploit public, interest in the humanities, be it only latent. In current, European Union policy thinking a strong case is often made for the, necessity of nurturing social innovation alongside technological inno-, vation and, as we shall see in Chapter 8, this is a point that is often, picked up by humanities advocates, who argue that social innovation, may be nurtured by research into human motivations, behaviour and, On the other hand, many humanist scholars mistrust appeals to inno-, vation as a ‘buzzword’. section we examine the interviews on their own. All this points to another function for the humanities in relation to, cultural heritage, that of challenging conceptions about national, identity. In the US seven respondents also, offered some constructive thoughts about how to open up people’s, minds to the issue. 2016 China Studies in English Syllabus (Pre-University) H1 (403kb.pdf) 2016 China Studies in English Syllabus (Pre-University) H2 (433kb.pdf) Commerce Secondary. serious things, between superficial things and profound things. The humanities are those academic disciplines that study human culture. Here are some examples making this point, one from a Japanese. sion-making in politics, international relations, medicine, welfare; and with the use of new technologies societies have increasingly, complex decisions to make. It has proved more than once in the course of the last, century that pure science and economics have failed to produce an, understanding of the symbolic life that makes us social and there-. pursue new research methodologies, and argues that studying the usability and preservation of digital humanities tools will One way of doing this is self-, consciously ‘clinical’ and detached, for instance when scholars seek to, understand such material ‘from the outside’. But, for the moment, here is one of our interviewees testifying to the critical. We believe that everyone can make a difference, and we created the Humanities in Action site for people like you—scholars, teachers, and citizens— to help you connect, learn more, and get involved. W, R2: Humanities are crucial for upbringing of a new generation as, they provide those who participate in the process (parents, chil-, dren, teachers, educational structures, etc) with the notion of. Philosophy requires its practitioners to understand other. One question we had to confront was whether to include undergrad-, uate education as a distinct benefit of humanities research. A signal is the data from the feature actually being measured computationally. this is not the only context. If so, it would be appropriate to single, out the humanities in this way. minorities, and never went to college. The curricula in these areas have no element of criticism, making it difficult for them to contribute to the formation of critical, citizenship. tions or thought systems these assumptions are embedded in. Sections 10–11 will focus, directly on the interview results in more detail, first to illustrate how. plenty of references to social value in the North American literature, it is, by no means confined to that region. Although the extant literature has analyzed the impact of research output on economic growth both holistically and by field, the impact of academic knowledge as a capital good (hard and social sciences) versus a final good (medical and humanities) has been largely neglected in analyses involving large sets of countries over a broad period of time. history of science, literature, art history or history. But it is fair to say that in each region, almost all the values we have discussed were mentioned at least once. Working with a corpus of thousands of digitized nineteenth-century British novels, we had just produced a plot, similar to, This paper critically assesses the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans as a piece of public policy concerning the regulation of research ethics. Most of these methods fall into two basic categories: Extrinsic or Contextualist approaches Intrinsic or Isolationist approaches for the love of them without any ulterior object’. Center for Environmental Humanities, A6. This is a heretical statement and to justify it I must turn back to the great days of the humanities. Consider the following, extract from one of our interviews on the question about the nature of, As3: [Please give up to three examples of things that, due to humanities, research, we know today that we did not know before, either in your, own field or in the humanities in general.] a step towards greater understanding of the West. thing is of paramount importance. Can we leverage quantitative methods in ways that respect the nuance and complexity we value in the humanities? The list is based on research from a number of different sources: A literature review of national reports, opinion pieces in the media, books (scholarly and popular) and articles in journals and edited, Interviews with 89 humanities researchers worldwide, Workshops with scholars from several countries, especially from East. against the grain’ of established understandings. . But at our East Asia work-, shop, participants stressed the importance, especially in that region, of, studying texts and traditions in a more ‘devotional’ way. preservation of a linguistic culture is yet another category to be noted. It is certainly useful, for the sake of clarity, to start with some distinct, categories, even if they eventually become blurred in the broader discus-, sions that we hope to stimulate. Moreover, the answers produced could have the authoritative backing of empirical data. More fundamentally, these approaches, may be faulted for assuming the existence of a fixed national culture, will come from within academia, so it is easy to see humanities scholars, coming into conflict with the state over the issue. What’, in that view is where ideas and innovations actually come from, and, what the best system is for producing that. All the items on the list feature somewhere in the interviews and, although the list is not a completely exhaustive account of everything, said in those interviews, we have tried not to omit any significant catego-, ries of value. culture, tradition and cultural transmission. This is the point made by Jobs. xenophobia. Y, be the contribution of literary studies to sociology, for instance in the, One could also claim that the three areas of international relations, law, and management are beneficiaries of humanities research. Several sources in a wide range of countries make a strong link between. Because... participants in research”. This point came. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Also, the use of language is essential to business, so, both literature and linguistics are important. R1: The humanities help people to be aware of how they think and, why they do certain things. One point of difference was the level of generality, Some were broad-brush, others gave specific examples to illustrate the, value of humanities research. Again in the US, it has featured prominently in discussions, of the liberal arts, when their advocates claim that undergraduates (no, less than their professors) should study these subjects just for their own. First we must under-, stand human beings, only then can we help people control social, As11: Where there is controversy in social issues, this may arise (or. This is yet another form of innovation. To reduce this distance, we must work not only on the size of our corpus but on the robustness of the signals we cull from it. humanities as a vital part of a knowledge ecosystem: NA6: Our society, especially in the recession era and era of privatisa-, tion, is fixated on market value. It is important, and interesting for other reasons, to be aware. We’ve spent a, decade talking to ourselves in an esoteric language that nobody else, understands or thinks is relevant. I think whether this becomes a larger trend, is dependent upon whether people in the humanities want to, The last extract raises an important question. A distributional survey of the interview responses, So far, we have been using the interview results alongside other sources, to help characterise the different values of humanities research. Also, history is becoming increasingly important in the understanding of, environmental change. shop, but also mentioned by one respondent: R6: Russian higher education is suffering from the ministry’s exces-, sive control over its content. This chapter reveals that humanists across the globe more often than not identify a social value to humanities research. Right now, we have a lost generation of people who really, will believe anything, and that’s a real educational failure. This is part of a wider trend, the ‘historical, turn’, where more and more academic disciplines are embracing, an interest in historical perspectives. Literary scholars, can communicate insights from their research through similar media, as, That the humanities have such a role may seem obvious, but it turns, out to be a disputed area. Welcome to HumanitiesDC Founded in 1980, the Humanities Council of Washington, DC (HumanitiesDC) aims to enrich the quality of life, foster intellectual stimulation, and promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation of local history in all neighborhoods of the District through humanities programs and grants. of these is considered most important in your country/region? Fantasy, Leisure, and Labor: A Story of Temple Terrace's Historic Architecture, Rachelle Hostetler. I am, As8: It helps people to leave a spiritual and enriched life, helps them. If innovation is to thrive, it must exploit the knowledge from the. The arts, and humanities have a particularly strong affiliation with the creative, industries. The Humanities are academic disciplines that seek to understand and interpret the human experience, from individuals to entire cultures, engaging in the discovery, preservation, and communication of the past and present record to enable a deeper understanding of contemporary society. But, we think that dividing the terrain at an intermediate level of specificity, (as above) will bring clarity to a topic often marked by excessive abstrac-, Our purpose is not to advocate any of the values in particular; it is, to describe and analyse them and to offer some critical reflections. In this. This chapter, reveals that humanists across the globe more often than not identify a, By way of our interviews and literature review, we have identified, a bounded set of answers to the question of the value of humanities, leads to other benefits (as listed below), it should also be pursued for, help create tolerance and understanding between citizens, thereby, leading to social cohesion. Indeed, you may notice that a course once called “Doing Digital Humanities” has become, in its subtitle, “Digital Methods for Literary Study.” This isn’t because the course is no longer a DH course, or no longer interdisciplinary. There, public pronouncements about the value of the humanities, whether from within academia or without, often focus on the employ-, ability of humanities graduates. And, the humanities are the secret to maintaining an appreciation for. Some of it overlaps with people, doing computer and cognitive science. This role overlaps with critical thinking, being a specific instance of it, so we shall have more to say below. It’s a meeting point of, science and art, where the difference between the two becomes, extremely blurred. Finally, a point of clarification, critical thinking is not the same as, innovation. A lot is, going on in those focus points. | Department of History, University of Texas, Arlington. Two exceptions come from US respondents, who. It can lead to extremely superficial research (e.g. think of themselves defending the humanities to a hostile audience. Put simply, the humanities help us understand and interpret the human experience, as individuals and societies. the promotion of, ‘cosmetic Confucianism’), and nationalist agendas may lead to down-, right falsification of the past. However, this value was only occasionally mentioned, and then only, in very general terms. Justifying the, humanities is subtly different as it involves defending the humani-, ties in the face of a challenge. 2020 Elements of Business Skills Normal(Technical) Syllabus (749kb.pdf) The “Digital Anthropocene” encompasses three interlinked global trends of the early twenty-first century which include digital technology, climate change and social-political agency and conflict. | Department of History, University of Texas, Arlington. The humanities enable social, institutions to evolve and become better. Harris: The humanities are crucial to a healthy democracy, just as they also provide opportunities for fulfilled and gainful employment and an enriched life. The social value of the humanities could be broken down into various, kinds, perhaps the two most frequent being cohesion and decision-, The humanities have been thought to promote social cohesion. ?” Neurologist Susan Greenfield, (2014) finds similarities between human climate change dilemmas and those created by social digital technology and networks: “the human brain will adapt to whatever environment in which it is placed . In the UK, the AHRC (Arts, Arts and Humanities Research and Innovation, expression of the role of innovation was this one, explaining the role of, The value of the humanities is in fact that they provide tools with, This [sc. It is particularly important to stress this in the, context of innovation. And they’re actually. But on 21 February 2010, the two of us sat staring at a computer screen dumbfounded by a kind of text that for once we had no idea how to read. Because of, the way the original question was framed, some respondents took it as. View humanities.pdf from JHB HU at Mapúa Institute of Technology. The same applies in the area of security (as. more briefly (though with a hedonistic twist in one case): As16: The humanities are just interesting! However, this is still an instrumentalist approach, the ultimate value here is not. [My University] now has [an] initiative that studies. But, by pulling some strands. In turn, confronting, the past in this way can lead to the process of, reconciliation. Perhaps an extreme example is the way new programmes are, being established in China for the study of Greek and Roman classics, as. And in a companion. to economic value, certainly in any narrow sense. Because research in the humanities is often a rather solitary activity, it can be difficult for newcomers to gain a sense of what research looks like within the scope of English Studies. The humanities teach empathy. to the relevant areas. the distinguishing feature of the national culture. Behind these questions is perhaps a deeper concern. The small number of these references is striking, given, the way the original question was set. PDF | The paper reviews the meaning and development of digital humanities giving the examples of work published in various DH areas. This Area encourages learners to engage with the most important issues facing humanity, including sustainability and social change, and help to develop the skills necessary to interpret and … One thought that the key was to find a topic, prob-, ably local in nature, in which an interlocutor would already be inter-, ested, for instance a poet from their own state. Perhaps the most articulate. As, part of our interviews, we found this approach widespread in almost all, regions. General Overview of the Humanities The Meaning, Importance, and Scope of Humanities The Scope of the Humanities LITERATURE Drama- or play is a story recreated by actors on stage in front of an audience Essay- non-fiction, expository (descriptive) Prose fiction- includes In the case of the humani-, ties, the intrinsic value argument is that, as human beings, we ought to, have an interest in our history, culture, ideas, languages and so on. So, along with that, I’m, sure you’ve heard of the emerging relationship between cognitive, science and the humanities. Aggregate word frequency of abstract values field in percentage of total word usage, 1800–1900. identities (ethnic, national, cultural, etc.) It could invite charges of self-indulgence, especially from people outside, academia and in times of economic hardship. A number of prominent figures in the UK have founded, the Council for the Defence of British Universities (CDBU) partly to, promote an understanding of the broader value of universities (not just, sciences in South Africa makes a trenchant critique of those who appeal. our discussion of interdisciplinary research. How would you articu-, late the value of humanities research to an impatient and potentially, We phrased the question in this way to avoid taxing the patience of our, interviewees with a completely open-ended question about the value of, the humanities. This is, becoming an acute problem in Russia, as discussed in the HWR work-. the economic argument has provoked a backlash among other humani-, ties scholars. This is a question that guides us throughout this report as we seek conceptual clarity and credibility for practices in digital humanities, knowledge exchange, globalisation, interdisciplinarity, infrastructure and public policy In this chapter, however, we address the question head-on as we report on how humanities researchers themselves articulate the value of their work. (Inquiring Subject) Contrast: Humanities: Explicit understanding of artworks – extensions of his being (man). We need to return to the Socratic maxim, ‘the unexamined life is, not worth living’. Historical research over long, time-periods can bring a new perspective to the social sciences. Science and mathematics may be said to employ objective and empirical methods to investigate the natural world. Recent developments in musi-, cology provide some good case studies because of the link with, contributing to computer science as visualisation is becoming the, way of understanding complex data; graphics is also becoming an, interpretative tool (cf. in the arena of cultural, heritage, governments can misuse the humanities in order to invent, Looking at our interview responses, it is interesting that few people, mentioned innovation unprompted. meaning and a sense of shared community with each other. Once such interest has been generated, some, kind of dialogue becomes possible, and the historian can then intro-, duce what they know about the past. By complementing these sources with, our interview results, we hope to provide a somewhat broader perspec-, tive, although the risk of idiosyncrasy remains. Under the flag of interdisciplinarity, are the digital humanities no more than the colonization of the humanities by the sciences? promote aesthetic discrimination, enhancing the appreciation and, We argue that this list represents a plausible taxonomy of the most, prominent attempts to articulate the value of the humanities around, the world. Dr. Charles Travis And this doesn’t just go for aesthetic experience, but just being. to specific questions, the humanities do not. The humanities are distinguished from the sciences. transferable skills, that may be very useful in a much wider context than in profes-, sions where such degrees are directly relevant. At its heart lies the genius of critical thought: the technique of asking, deep-seated questions with the aim of gaining profound insights into. away from the topic, despite the terms of the question. A heated discussion of principles in the fallout of the French Revolution? ... being measured computationally. innovation and the humanities: national reports, and Humanities Research Council) worked with NESTA (National, Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) to produce a report, the authors discuss ‘the distinctive contributions of arts and humanities, The arts and humanities cover a very wide range of research disci-, and philosophy. And, as the humanities offer insight into nearly every aspect of life, they have been considered a core element of a well-rounded education since ancient times. So, as in the sciences, it is, best to embark on one’s research with a non-instrumentalist mindset. out of a few responses, as in the following from Europe: that are studied within the humanities, such as history, religion, literature, art, theatre, language, etc. They, the humanities enable citizens to understand, preserve, there are direct economic benefits from humanities, : the humanities deal with questions of motivation, organi-, : it is of the essence of the humanities to develop critical, literary research, art history and musicology, A successful defence will attempt to change the, Interestingly, although the intrinsic value, includes a call for research projects on ‘Secure, I would try to persuade the audience that people with degrees, A recent national report on humanities and social, more than any other humanities discipline, benefits, Furthermore, it seems clear that there is, and a number of our interviews. PDF. could not exist. Talking in the context, of product innovation, Jobs said: ‘the reason that Apple is able to create, products like iPad is because we always try to be at the intersection of, technology and liberal arts, to be able to get the best of both.’ We also, found the link to innovation had taken root in Russia. Although intrinsic value is popular among the respondents, themselves, far fewer thought that it would gain any purchase in society, at large. All rights reserved. I was recently talking, to a Chinese scholar who made exactly this point about Chinese, society; however much scientific research they do, they still need, to develop creativity and innovation. School of Histories and Humanities Trinity College, Dublin 2 Ireland We must sustain it. these values can come into conflict with each other in specific instances: pursuing intellectual curiosity because of intrinsic value may conflict. It extends human knowledge and human, appreciation of language and literature and the arts. Finally, we turn to a meta-issue arising from the interviews. First, we shall see how, according to these interviews, support for the different values is distrib-. Perhaps this reflects something, we mentioned earlier, that the economic argument is viewed with, suspicion in academic circles. On the other hand, there is a relative alignment between attitudes on, thing many humanities scholars espouse, though more think that it is, something society expects of them. The digital version of The Humanities Matter! © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. A conspicuous appeal to the economic value of the humanities has, been made by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, which has, of the economic value of the humanities to the creative and cultural. influence policy makers in their decisions. We need to give some account of ourselves, to those who fund us and it would be wholly impractical to disengage, altogether (even if a few critics are beyond the pale). Transformations The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, The impact of research output on economic growth by fields of science: a dynamic panel data analysis, 1980–2016, Under the Workbench: An analysis of the use and preservation of MONK text mining research software, Learning to Read Data: Bringing out the Humanistic in the Digital Humanities, Human research ethics in Australia: Ethical regulation and public policy, Teaching Guerilla Praxis: Making Critical Digital Humanities Research Politically Relevant, In book: Humanities World Report 2015 (pp.12-41). , A6 we mentioned earlier, that may be said to employ objective and empirical methods to the. A wide range of countries make a strong link between the two becomes, extremely blurred an end in! Force, notably, intrinsic value is by no means confined to that region productive. Political contexts they contribute to policy is through, undergraduate education, but in. 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