digitization grants for archives 2021

dezembro 21, 2020 3:38 am Publicado por Deixe um comentário

"Well-intentioned Practice for Putting Digitized Collections of Unpublished Materials Online" (W-iP), prepared by OCLC Research, offers a framework for an assertive approach to digitization of unpublished archival materials whose rights holders are often difficult to identify and contact. Museums Galleries Scotland provides support to the sector via strategic investment in order that Scottish museums may develop their work and improve outcomes in four key areas: collections, audiences, sector workforce and sustainability. Cornell University Library’s annual Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences is funding three new projects aimed at conserving fragile, physical artifacts and digitizing them for research and scholarship. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry: $2,500 to perform Metadata enhancement of aerial photographs to overlay them on existing maps and track deforestation over time. The Pocono Archives will use grant funding for conservation, digitization, and archival rehousing services provided by Preservation-R-Us. Access & Digitization Grants are awarded through a competitive application process for projects that have broad regional appeal. The Wolfson Foundation has a long history of supporting the arts and humanities and recognises the importance of the cultural sector, providing grants to charities and organisations with charitable status. Please watch this page for news about a new grant cycle in 2021. This grant is ideal for any institution looking to build an online archive collection for their website. Digitization Grants of Interest to Genealogists. Other Programs Through a digitization grant, the folks from the Portal drove to Aransas Pass and filled six vans with those documents in late summer 2016. Subscribe to the Future of Archives' newsletter The aim of this IRFD Network Digitization and the Future of Archives (2018-2021), is to create a viable forum where Nordic, European and international researchers and practitioners can meet. Help us to keep this page as relevant and helpful as possible. Grant 1: Collections Innovation and Engagement Grant, Grant 2: Collections Strategy and Development Grant. Projects that seek to increase access and engagement. Grant funds are available for the following: archival shelving units The Digitization Grant Initiative (DiGI) is now open for the 2020/21 year! The handling and light necessary for digitization contribute to the wear and tear of collections. Applications are due by March 16, 2021 and should be submitted online. 4 - Guidelines for Applicants 2021 5.3 The decisions will normally be taken by September or October and the grants paid in instalments starting from the start date of the project concerned. Great ... project digitizing Robert Moses archives got a $695,000 grant, ... passes $138M budget for 2021. This grant is wholly provided by the Tennessee Secretary of State. Using the Application Instructions, fill out: 1. the Standard Form 424, 2. the Standard Form 424B, 3. and the NHPRC Budget Form. Consequently, a number of funding bodies have made changes to their grants and the process through which they are applied for and approved, in an attempt to meet the crisis where it’s needed most. 3. Great ... project digitizing Robert Moses archives got a $695,000 grant, ... passes $138M budget for 2021. When applying for the Academy’s small research grants, “applicants can propose a wide range of possible outcomes from their research. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry: $2,600 to digitize SUNY ESF’s Cranberry Lake campus yearbooks, dating from 1915 – 1940. Checking the program-specific criteria will help you ensure you're applying for the right grant for your institution. The Grants to States Program is the largest source of federal funding for America’s public libraries. 3. To apply, submit a proposal of not more than 2 pages, a CV, and a budget estimate by 11.59 pm EST on January 14, 2021 … How To Find Grants US Government Grants. • Staff will devote at least 20 percent of their time (3,328 hours) to processing backlog holdings to minimal access standards beginning September 1, 2021. Applications must be submitted by Friday, January 29, 2021. Subscribe to the Future of Archives' newsletter The aim of this IRFD Network Digitization and the Future of Archives (2018-2021), is to create a viable forum where Nordic, European and international researchers and practitioners can meet. The following information is only for applicants invited to submit full proposals to the Access to Historical National Archives National Historical Publications and Records Commission Program. Click here for further information. Foundation Grants for Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums lists 2,270 grants of $5,000 or more awarded by 505 grantmakers, from 2005 through the publication date of this guide. FY 2022 Grant Announcement (Initial) The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National Archives supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture. At the time, the publisher pointed to the sea and said “We know we’re one natural disaster away from losing everything.” This is a draft. © TownsWeb Archiving 2019, all rights reserved, (Completely free and only takes 30 seconds), Guide: Sources of Funding for heritage digitisation projects 2020, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, The Heritage Emergency Fund is looking to support organisations at immediate risks, providing stability through the following grants (application forms available until 12 noon, 31 July 2020):-, https://www.heritagefund.org.uk/funding/heritage-emergency-fund/3-50k, https://www.heritagefund.org.uk/funding/heritage-emergency-fund/50-250k, Arts Council England have recently announced a rescue package of £1.57 billion in grants and loans and, though this is yet to be set out more clearly, it is understood that this will be available to heritage institutions across the UK and will include, “bricks and mortar organisations such as theatres, museums and galleries”, https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/blog/governments-arts-culture-and-heritage-rescue-package. Museums Galleries Scotland (MSG) FundThe Museums Galleries Scotland’s Urgent Response Fund seeks to help independent accredited museums most at risk as a result of COVID-19, making available up to £60,000 to cover core costs. Supporting UK charities and state schools only, this foundation operates two grant schemes open to heritage digitisation projects. The Grants to States Program is the largest source of federal funding for America’s public libraries. Main Grants Scheme: Currently suspended due to COVID-19 (further guidelines will be provided July 2020). Digitization grants for 2020 were recently announced by the National Archives and Records Administration. Community Gaming Grants; In 2001, the British Columbia provincial government eliminated grant funding programs specifically allocated for community archives and archival organizations in BC. The keepers of memory have many homes. The materials in the Archives’ collections vary in fragility, such as letterpress from the 1850’s, glass plate negatives from the early 20th century, and videotape from the 1970s. Watch recording via YouTubePresentation slides (PDF), Digitization/MetadataRetrospective ConversionNewspaper Digitization. Strategy and development grants will then be awarded in 2021. Sign up to find out more: https://fundingscotland.com/search?keywords=&activities=heritage-and-building-preservation&type_of_funding=grant. Their grants are primarily post-doctoral research based but digitisation of humanities and social science-based resources have been funded too. Type of grant Call for projects. A small number of grants are approved each year. This is a conditional payment issued to a recipient organization for a specific purpose, as outlined in a funding contribution agreement. In April 2018, Preservation-R-Us prepared condition reports and treatment estimates for each of the two volumes to receive treatment in this grant project. The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust provides funding to support cultural heritage digitisation projects, provided that they support or relate to one of the organisations priority areas where work seeks to make a positive change across the UK, or across one or more of its member countries – England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. for grant holders - grants administration FOR PROJECT TEAMS - DIGITISATION & CATALOGUING RESOURCES The Endangered Archives Programme offers approximately 30 grants each year to enable researchers to locate vulnerable archival collections, arrange their transfer wherever possible to a suitable local archival home, and deliver digital copies into the international research domain via the … Digitisation of public and private archives, townswebarchiving.com/twa-digitisation-grant, wellcome.ac.uk/Funding/Humanities-and-social-science/Funding-schemes/Research-resources-awards, wolfson.org.uk/funding/arts-and-humanities, Digitisation projects for charitable institutions with an emphasis on sustainability, public benefit and accessibility (Main Grant scheme – learning), Not specified but available for email queries, Garfield Weston Foundation - arts, heritage and preservation. • Utilize student and volunteer help to process non‐restricted records. Preparing for Digitization Selecting Items for Digitization. Digitization of and Access to the Archaeological Archives of Saint Symeon. A range of grants available for unspecified amounts. The Community Archives Assistance Program (CAAP) and the Community Archives Advisory and Training Program (CAAT) were discontinued. . Cornell University Library’s annual Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences is funding three new projects aimed at conserving fragile, physical artifacts and digitizing them for research and scholarship. As a result, TownsWeb Archiving set up their annual grant scheme back in 2017 and demand looks set to keep it rolling for the foreseeable future. up to £7,500 (£10,000 for partnerships) made available to applicant museums, to purchase equipment and provide the training necessary to reopen safely. Cornell University Library’s annual Grants Program for Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences is funding three new projects aimed at conserving fragile, physical artifacts and digitizing them for research and scholarship.. There are two types of grants: Funding for Places and Funding for People. Townsweb ArchivingThe TWA Digitisation Grant opened early this year and has been adjusted to give three winners £3,000 each and an equal chance to “protect, preserve and make accessible their precious holdings”. Read more. The Small Grant Scheme supports museums in the West Midlands area. Digitization of and Access to the Archaeological Archives of Saint Symeon. The Foundation offers specific funding streams for both the Performing Arts and Museums & Galleries, and will consider funding cultural heritage digitisation projects depending on the significance and importance of the collection(s) being proposed. Dunham Public Library: $1,500 to digitize Dunham Public Library board minutes, going back to 1926. They are looking to  award c.£500k of Innovation and Engagement grants with a new deadline of 14th September 2020. The digitization program, an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, was launched in 2006. Please contact Ryan Perry (rperry@clrc.org) to arrange for a consultation. An open programme for heritage projects across the UK using revenue generated from The National Lottery to fund digitisation projects and heritage enterprise by not-for-profit organisations and private owners of heritage and partnerships. Digitization Standards. Operator Université de Nanterre . Conversations on Five Years of 5 for 5: Join us on Friday, November 13th Connect with us: @CLIRHC hiddencollections@clir.org NEDCC’s professional conservators also treat architectural plans, parchment, papyrus, wallpaper, and works of art on paper including charcoal drawings and watercolor paintings. Applicants bidding for the funding awards of up to £6000 (3 x £3,000 for 2020) have ranged from business and local authority archives, national museums and university special collections and public and private libraries and galleries. If your genealogical society, historical society, historical records repository, or archive has records to digitize but the money just isn’t in the budget, consider applying for a Kentucky Genealogical Society Digitization Grant. The JDC Archives is pleased to announce its 2021 grant for post-production, distribution, and/or JDC Archives licensing costs of a documentary film, which draws on the JDC archival collections. Funding for Library Digitization Projects You have identified a unique collection of resources in your library and your current plans are to digitize and make it more accessible. The Main Grants Scheme supports charities whose work covers Arts and Learning, with priority given to sustainable projects offering a service to the general public. The website offers a comprehensive search facility and a whole host of funds and grants are available to peruse and apply. Manlius Library: $3,200 to digitize additional materials for their Village of Manlius Collection. The Clore Duffield Foundation mainly supports cultural learning in relation to museum, gallery, heritage and performing arts learning spaces for UK charities. The Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund has adjusted their grant timelines to respond to the impact of COVID-19. The outcome are … The handling and light necessary for digitization contribute to the wear and tear of collections. General information This document provides information to assist organizations in preparing an application for funding under the National Heritage Digitization Strategy (NHDS) funding call. Documentary Film Grant. We hope that by working together, as a community, we will see the heritage sector recover quickly and evolve to be stronger than ever before. ... National Leadership Grants for Libraries support projects that enhance the quality of library and archive services nationwide by advancing theory and practice. Announcing the 2020/2021 BC History Digitization Program Projects. Nineteen projects have been selected as the successful recipients of the 2020 -2021 B.C. General information This document provides information to assist organizations in preparing an application for funding under the National Heritage Digitization Strategy (NHDS) funding call. Amount 304 K $ Years 2021 - 2022 . The Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund has adjusted their grant timelines to respond to the impact of COVID-19. Home Improvement: Building archives through change. It also covers the development of libraries, museums and galleries and adaptions of heritage sites for education. Projects must have “the potential to make a significant difference to health research in the humanities and social sciences”. 1. A listing of non-traditional resources, which includes grant directories, is also available. Liverpool Public Library: $2,520 to digitize Liverpool Central School District yearbooks. CLRC uses a portion of its RBDB funds from New York State for small grants to member libraries. The Charles Hayward Foundation Main Grant programme seeks to support projects that are unique and of national importance, inviting applications for UK charities in respect of heritage, preservation and conservation projects. The Pocono Archives will use grant funding for conservation, digitization, and archival rehousing services provided by Preservation-R-Us. CLRC offers in-house digitization services through our DigLab. Click here for further information. Grants are available to facilitate projects involving digitization, metadata creation, and retrospective conversion. Announcing the 2020/2021 BC History Digitization Program Projects. Funding opportunities are subject to change so, if you find anything to be incorrect or out of date, then please let us know by emailing jsc@townswebarchiving.com or tweeting @townsweb. Community Gaming Grants; In 2001, the British Columbia provincial government eliminated grant funding programs specifically allocated for community archives and archival organizations in BC. It covers grants to public, academic, research, school, and special libraries, and to archives … The DiGI program supports the digitization of Indigenous language resources for First Nations communities and organizations in B.C. https://mdwm.org.uk/news/small-grant-scheme-open/, Best Practice tips for Planning a Digitisation Project, Association for Historical & Fine Art Photography. This grant is wholly provided by the Tennessee Secretary of State. This cost-sharing grant, available annually, supports traditional and digital archiving, with an emphasis on digitizing collections and putting them online. If you discover any other funds and grants, please do let us know and we will happily include them here for the benefit of others. Search for available grants Grant programs and deadlines can be searched by name, by eligible institution type, and by project type. The Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives (EEPA), National Museum of African Art is pleased to announce The Stephen Grant Postcard Collection Digitization Project, a collaborative cataloguing and digitization project with the Smithsonian’s Digitization Program Office (DPO).We anticipate making this collection fully accessible to the general public in late 2020 or early 2021. In order to establish if your project is covered it would be advisable to email them directly with specific details. The Wellcome Trust offers funding in respect of UK based archive and library collections through the Research Resources Award scheme and to those working in “a publicly-accessible library, archive, museum or digital repository”. Skaneateles Historical Society, Museum at the Creamery: $8,000 to create metadata for photographs of Skaneateles and the surrounding area, Utica College: $2,707.50 to digitize issues of The Tangerine, the college student newspaper, from 1946 – 2012, New Woodstock Free Library: $750 to digitize the work of local sculptor Joseph Scala, CNY Chapter, National Railway Historical Society: $4,200 to digitize slides depicting railway scenes in Central NY, Hamilton Public Library: $2,880 to digitize The Emerald Press, Hamilton High School’s student newspaper, from 1990 – 2009, Onondaga Community College: $1,800 to digitize issues of the college’s student newspapers, 1964 – 2015, Manlius Library: $3,670 to digitize Voices, the Fayetteville-Manlius high school literary magazine. Checking the program-specific criteria will help you ensure you're applying for the right grant for your institution. French archaeological mission of Saint-Symeon. "Well-intentioned Practice for Putting Digitized Collections of Unpublished Materials Online" (W-iP), prepared by OCLC Research, offers a framework for an assertive approach to digitization of unpublished archival materials whose rights holders are often difficult to identify and contact. The digitization program, an initiative of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, was launched in 2006. If you are interested in a quote for our services, you will need to contact Ryan Perry (rperry@clrc.org) by January 15, 2021. See this call as an infographic! The TWA Digitisation Grant opened early this year and has been adjusted to give three winners £3,000 each and an equal chance to “protect, preserve and make accessible their precious holdings”. History Digitization Program (BCHDP) funding awards. Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions — such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities — improve their ability to preserve and care for … SUNY Polytechnic Institute: $5,500 to create metadata for multimedia content from the Refugees Starting Over Project. So, don’t be dissuaded, we’ve made a quick directory to get you started. We have identified some of these organisations and brought them to the top of our list of funding options to try and take some of the legwork out of your research. Search for available grants Grant programs and deadlines can be searched by name, by eligible institution type, and by project type. ... National Leadership Grants for Libraries support projects that enhance the quality of library and archive services nationwide by advancing theory and practice. The Museums Galleries Scotland’s Urgent Response Fund seeks to help independent accredited museums most at risk as a result of COVID-19, making available up to £60,000 to cover core costs. Selection of Filmmaker. 1. RBDB funds are used to support regional programs and projects such as NY Heritage, WorldCat Discovery Services access, and training. The current round is looking particularly for, “applications for digital audience engagement projects which widen access to stored collections”. The National Heritage Digitization Strategy Funding Call 1. Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary: $2,000 to perform retrospective conversion of their remaining physical catalog records. Little Falls Public Library: $1,000 to digitize Little Falls High School yearbooks. The materials in the Archives’ collections vary in fragility, such as letterpress from the 1850’s, glass plate negatives from the early 20th century, and videotape from the 1970s. The 2020-2021 Archives Development Grant is available for local archives to replace or purchase archival supplies to improve the storage conditions of archival collections, operations, or public accessibility. • Apply for grants as a way to maximize resources. Oneida Public Library: $1,620 to digitize Oneida High School yearbooks. They are looking to award c.£500k of Innovation and Engagement grants with a new deadline of 14th September 2020. See this call as an infographic! A listing of non-traditional resources, which includes grant directories, is also available. Here is a small list of funders to get you started in your research. Ilion Free Public Library: $4,160 to digitize Ilion High School yearbooks. Applications are due by March 16, 2021 and should be submitted online. Archive. New Jersey Launches Public Archives Digitization Program ... grants-in-aid for imaging systems and services, ... Navigate Digital Transformation in 2021 and Beyond With iPaaS. $1,222 to perform a metadata crosswalk that will enable materials from their ArtOneida project to be included in NY Heritage. Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives Learn about funded projects Image courtesy of University of Missouri Kansas City Libraries Sign up for CLIR's Grants & Programs Newsletter to learn about funding opportunities, virtual events, and more. An institution should clearly articulate their goals for digitization and create a process for selecting items for digitization. Jervis Public Library: $4,560 to digitize drawings by John Jervis, a prominent nineteenth-century civil engineer. We can handle digitization and metadata for print-based documents and photographs. The British Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences pledge around £25 million in grants every year on a wide variety of projects. Strategy and development grants will then be awarded in 2021. These CLRC’s Access & Digitization Grant program, previously known as “RBDB Grants,” empowers member libraries and institutions to make resources available to a wider audience. Therefore the Archives employs digital curation methodologies and standards to avoid repeated digitization. 2. Shortlisted candidates will each receive an optional £500 of match funding. If your digitization project benefits the public, you may be eligible for government grants. Support and funding to convert existing First Nations language materials to digital file formats. You will also prepare a Project Narrative, a Project Summary, and Supplementary Materials to attach to your Application Package The keepers of memory have many homes. Home Great Neck News LIU gets grant for Moses archive digitization project. For video and audio material, tapes that are brittle or suffer from “sticky shed” syndromemay not survive multiple playbacks. The Northeast Document Conservation Center specializes in paper and book conservation. Projects invited with the aim of, “improving the services on offer, strengthening sustainability, building resilience and creating new conversations and activity around collections”. Library and Archives Canada (LAC) provides $1.5 million in contributions each year through the DHCP (“the Program”). History Digitization Program (BCHDP) funding awards. GUIDELINES FOR DIGITIZATION PROJECTS for collections and holdings in the public domain, particularly those held by libraries and archives March 2002 These Guidelines are the result of a joint venture of a group of experts on behalf of IFLA and ICA (International Council on Archives), who had been invited to draft these for UNESCO. Skaneateles Historical Society, Museum at the Creamery: $3,000 to create metadata for digitized photographs for inclusion in NY Heritage. Previous grant recipients are strongly encouraged to arrange a private consultation prior to applying. Applications are reviewed by our Library Resources & Services Committee and an external review committee, then approved by our Board of Trustees. Applications must be submitted by Friday, January 29, 2021. Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions — such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities — improve their ability to preserve and care for … Here is a small list of funders to get you started in your research. But you need money to start such a project. Help us to keep this page as relevant and helpful as possible. Conversations on Five Years of 5 for 5: Join us on Friday, November 13th Connect with us: @CLIRHC hiddencollections@clir.org To get started, go to grants.gov and use the search function to explore grant … These can include the digitisation of material that will be subsequently made available online.”. If you found this article useful, you might also like our Best Practice tips for Planning a Digitisation Project post. Shortlisted candidates will each receive an optional £500 of match funding. The Marc Fitch Fund offers special project grants which are small and intended to be of last resort for projects that might otherwise fail and have exhausted alternative funding strategies. National Archives National Historical Publications and Records Commission Program. Remember that it is imperative to contact the organization directly for guidelines and 8 Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records | 2021 LSTA Grant Guidelines Examples of Information Access projects include digitization and preservation, e-content expansion, outreach and pop-up projects, and resource sharing. CLRC’s Access & Digitization Grant program, previously known as “RBDB Grants,” empowers member libraries and institutions to make resources available to a wider audience. The Esmee Fairbairn Collections Fund is run in partnership with the Museums Association and awards up to £1.2million per year to projects that “have a strong link between relevant collections and audiences; are able to use the project to contribute to the long-term plans of the organisation(s); and are ambitious, interesting and sometimes exploratory”. In April 2018, Preservation-R-Us prepared condition reports and treatment estimates for each of the two volumes to receive treatment in this grant project. COVID-19 seemingly sprung from nowhere in early 2020 and has since caused unprecedented upheaval and uncertainty across all sectors. For comments or questions regarding this content, please contact CHIN directly.To find other online resources for museum professionals, visit the CHIN homepage or the Museology and conservation topic page on Canada.ca. This cost-sharing grant, available annually, supports traditional and digital archiving, with an emphasis on digitizing collections and putting them online. The Small Grants Scheme supports smaller charities in all fields providing their annual turnover does not exceed £100,000. Guidelines 2021–22 Overview. For questions regarding Information Access Grants, contact Mary Villegas, mvillegas@azlibrary.gov, 602-542-6255. 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