mckinsey report 2019

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But the national results contain a wide spectrum of outcomes. Learn more about cookies, Opens in new Our model suggests that these areas could experience net job loss, with their employment bases shrinking by 3 percent. Unleash their potential. Policy makers and employers alike cannot ignore the implications if a large share of the population is falling behind. Please use UP and DOWN arrow keys to review autocomplete results. The COVID Response Center draws on what McKinsey and others have learned to provide leaders with resources to help reset their organizations and communities. All workers will need to adapt as machines take over routine and some physical tasks and as demand grows for work involving socioemotional, creative, technological, and higher cognitive skills. cookies, download the full list of locations in each segment,, less than 5 percent of occupations can be automated in their entirety, women represent 47 percent of the displaced workers in our midpoint automation scenario, representation of women in the tech sector. Report - McKinsey Global Institute India’s turning point: An economic agenda to spur growth and jobs August 26, 2020 – A clarion call is sounding for India to put growth on a sustainably faster track and meet the aspirations of its growing workforce. The picture is worst for the roughly 970 distressed Americana counties that are entering the decade in poor economic health. Much of this is due to women’s heavy representation in health professions and personal care work—and some of these roles are low-paying. Flip the odds. 2. The growing acceptance of remote working models could be a positive trend for creating jobs in rural counties, whether full-time work-at-home employee roles or contract work. Report - McKinsey Global Institute The future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation June 4, 2019 – Concerted and creative new solutions are needed to enable women to seize new opportunities in the automation age; without them, women may fall further behind in the world of work. Our 13 archetypes can be grouped into five segments with common patterns: The economic performance of these segments has been diverging for decades, and that trend accelerated after the Great Recession. ompanies report that they are highly committed to gender diversity. Differentials in the cost of living, ties with family and friends, and a growing cultural divide all partially explain these patterns, but more research is needed to understand these patterns. We model a range of different adoption scenarios based on historical experience that take local wage differentials into account. By using this Site or clicking on "OK", you consent to the use of cookies. Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly One is the loneliest number January 29, 2019 – Put an end to the costly workplace isolation experienced by many women by clustering them on teams and improving the promotion process. Select topics and stay current with our latest insights. America’s makers may see mixed results; they will need clear strategies to shift to advanced manufacturing and rebuild local supply chains. The research is a snapshot of some surprising shifts in consumer behaviour that highlights the importance of adaptability and versatility. 2 The next decade will bring every community new challenges—but also new opportunities to boost innovation, productivity, and inclusive growth. 1. According to McKinsey’s 2019 Apparel Chief Purchasing Officer Survey, while the absolute number of sustainable fashion products remains low, there has … As automation changes the world of work, governments, businesses, and members of the workforce can take action and adapt. To estimate market size, we analyzed Internet Retailer’s 2019 US Top 500 list of the largest e-commerce companies by sales, identifying the 16 that are primarily subscription-based. All levels of government, nonprofits, education providers, and industry associations can play a role here. The 2020 report is the third installment in McKinsey’s series of research that has been aimed at examining the business case for diversity in executive positions. The Kinsey Reports on car parts prices have been around since 1990 – probably conjuring up visions of great piles of spark plugs, radiators, headlights and fenders, - all of which are duly price tagged and compared in a large chart. Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. Our model indicates anemic 1 percent employment growth over the entirety of the next decade in the more than 1,100 rural Americana counties. Policy choices, along with increased public and private investment in people and in the places that need it, can create more inclusive growth. While all areas of the country lost employment during the downturn, job growth since then has been a tale of two Americas. Final Report | February 2019. McKinsey & Co surveyed over 3,500 shoppers in the US, UK, China, Germany, and France for its 2020 Holiday Season report. We define middle-wage jobs as those in the middle 40 percent in the income distribution. What lies ahead is not a sudden robot takeover but a period of ongoing, and perhaps accelerated, change in how work is organized and the mix of jobs in the economy. Download the full report to explore the 10 themes which will define the global fashion industry in 2020. These losses will not necessarily manifest as sudden mass unemployment. McKinsey Global Institute. Using data to track employment outcomes will be essential so that funding can be channeled into what works and individuals can make more informed choices about their own training and careers. Subsidies and tax incentives can be part of the tool kit, but they need to be backed by a rigorous business case. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. Even as some occupations decline, the US economy should continue to grow and create new jobs in the years to 2030. Every community, from the most dynamic to the most distressed, faces economic development issues that need to be solved at the local and regional level. collaboration with select social media and trusted analytics partners We analyze the automation potential of every job by looking at how many of its constituent activities can be handled by currently demonstrated technologies. LONDON, United Kingdom — 2019 will be a year of awakening for the fashion industry, one that will go down in history, finds The State of Fashion 2019, a new report co-published by The Business of Fashion (BoF) and McKinsey & Company that was released today. This annual report from McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.Org is the largest study of the state of women in corporate America. McKinsey. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. Until recently, most research on the potential effects of automation, including our own, has focused on the national-level effects. Because these roles are distributed across the country, no community will be immune from automation-related displacement. tab, Engineering, Construction & Building Materials, Travel, Logistics & Transport Infrastructure, McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility. The trends outlined in this report could widen existing disparities between high-growth cities and struggling rural areas, and between high-wage workers and everyone else. Roughly 14.7 million workers under age 34 could be displaced by automation; almost half of them are in roles with high separation rates, so employers lack incentives to retrain and redeploy them. Getty. Automation will affect workers across age brackets, but both the youngest and oldest segments of the labor force face unique risks. our use of cookies, and tab. Year-end forecasts seem more grounded when accompanied by efforts to put the existing year in context. Please try again later. Although a tighter labor market may increase wage growth in the short term, it will take sustained growth to counter the trend of wage stagnation, which dates to the 1980s. We used a mathematical clustering method to categorize all US cities and counties into 13 archetypes based on their economic health, business dynamism, industry mix, labor force demographics, and other characteristics (download the full list of locations in each segment). July 23, 2019 . We choose to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges—and we are early on a journey to ensure that our purpose is reflected in all we do to overcome them. The 25 megacities and high-growth hubs, plus their peripheries, may account for about 60 percent of net job growth by 2030, although they have just 44 percent of the population. McKinsey refused to … percent of net job growth by Use minimal essential We define middle-wage jobs as those in the middle 40 percent in the income distribution. Workforce skills have been a growing concern in the United States for many years. The work highlighted in our 2019 Social Responsibility Report lay the foundation for our response, and our 2020 report will convey how we continue to rise to these and other global challenges. The pace of disruption from automation will depend on how rapidly companies adopt the new technologies. This recognition reflects our commitment to ensuring that we have a positive and lasting impact on society. Turning around places that have lost their economic dynamism is a multiyear journey, but it is possible. In total, these companies brought in $7.5 billion in revenue in 2018, up from $5.8 billion in 2017. The day-to-day nature of work could change for nearly everyone as Some of them are close to retirement, but others have years to go—and the prospect of a drastic change may be daunting or unappealing to some who have logged many years in their current roles. The good news is that there is a growing tool kit of potential solutions, and many promising pilots are under way. Partner Susan Lund explains why the impact of automation will play out differently depending on where you live. It has been reshaped by dramatic events like the Great Recession but also by a quieter ongoing evolution in the mix and location of jobs. Geography itself can be a barrier to connecting to new opportunities, given the declines in Americans’ mobility. 25 megacities and high-growth Addresses business resilience and how companies can prepare for the next economic downturn, explores the ins and outs of effective decision making, and takes a hard look at talent in the workplace. People create and sustain change. We model a range of different adoption scenarios based on historical experience that take local wage differentials into account. Despite new occupations and overall job growth, one worrisome trend could continue: the hollowing out of middle-wage jobs. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. This places us in the top 1 percent of more than 60,000 evaluated organizations across the globe. Many stable cities and independent economies have relatively educated workforces and could become attractive regional outposts for corporations looking to expand into lower-cost locations. But the occupational mix of the economy is evolving and could do so at an even faster pace in the decade ahead. Embedding human principles into the nature of work--principles such as purpose and meaning, growth and passion, and collaboration and relationships--enables the social enterprise to continually reinvent itself on the back of perpetual disruption. Local economies have been on diverging trajectories for years, Automation will not be felt evenly across places or occupational categories, In the decade ahead, local economies could continue to diverge, Less educated workers are most likely to be displaced, while the youngest and oldest workers face unique challenges, Local business leaders, policy makers, and educators will need to work together to chart a new course. People create and sustain change. Reinvention will be a harder task for trailing cities, some manufacturing towns, and rural counties that never bounced back from the Great Recession. Administrative assistants, bill collectors, and bookkeepers lost a combined 226,000 jobs from 2012 to 2017. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. The skills needed in fast-growing STEM roles, in particular, are continuously evolving. across age brackets, but Wages and purchasing power are real concerns. Our previous work ran multiple scenarios regarding the pace and extent of adoption. McKinsey Insights - Get our latest thinking on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. Annual Revenue ( $ ) McKinsey revenue was $10.5 b in FY, 2019 which is a (5.0%) year over year increase from the previous period. New online tools can assess an individual’s skills, suggest appropriate career choices, and clarify which jobs are in demand and the credentials needed to obtain them. Discussion Paper - McKinsey Global Institute Yet geographic mobility in the United States has eroded to historically low levels. Tens of millions of Americans can think back to their first jobs in retail or food service—roles that gave them valuable soft skills and experience that propelled them on their way. The United States does not have to let opportunity concentrate in a limited number of places, some of which are straining at the seams, while others wither. This analysis does not account for different wage growth or decline over time. Reinvent your business. Growing economic divergence might have been expected to prompt more people to move from distressed areas to thriving job markets. Millions of jobs could be phased out even as new ones are created. In August 2019, Kering CEO François-Henri Pinault spearheaded an industry-wide pact to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This has already been occurring in office support roles, for instance. It is possible to turn this period of technological change into an occasion to create more rewarding jobs and build better learning systems and career pathways that serve more Americans. In customer service and retail sales, for example, counter attendants and rental clerks may decline, but more workers could be added to help customers in stores or to staff distribution centers. hereLearn more about cookies, Opens in new Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. Discussion Paper - McKinsey Global Institute. Because there is a national benefit to improving labor market fluidity, policy makers might consider providing relocation assistance or tax credits. Improving the representation of women in the tech sector is a priority; today they hold only 26 percent of computing jobs in the United States. Many occupations are likely to shrink through attrition and reduced hiring. The challenge is not fighting against technology but preparing US workers to succeed alongside it. The work highlighted in our 2019 Social Responsibility Report lay the foundation for our response, and our 2020 report will convey how we continue to rise to these and other global challenges. Furthermore, when people in rural segments and less vibrant cities do move, it is usually to places with a similar profile rather than to megacities or high-growth hubs (Exhibit 2). from the contributions of McKinsey’s global network of industry experts. Our approach to social responsibility includes empowering our people to give back to their communities, operating our firm in ways that are socially responsible and environmentally sustainable, and working with our clients to intentionally address societal challenges. Learn about A central challenge in the automation age will be connecting millions of displaced workers to new, growing jobs. Just 25 cities (megacities and high-growth hubs, plus their urban peripheries) have accounted for more than two-thirds of job growth in the last decade (Exhibit 1). Companies can make a difference, too, in recognizing that talent, space, and untapped potential are available all over the country. Hispanic workers, for instance, are overrepresented in food service roles and have the highest rate of potential displacement among all minority groups, at 25.5 percent (7.4 million individuals). tab. But that commitment has not translated into meaningful progress. That’s what we found in Women in the Workplace 2018, a study conducted by McKinsey Automation is not happening in a vacuum, and the health of local economies today will affect their ability to adapt and thrive in the face of the changes that lie ahead. Offices once populated by armies of administrative assistants, research librarians, and payroll and data clerks now run with leaner support teams and more digital tools. But this is not a foregone conclusion. At the high end of the displacement spectrum are 512 counties, home to 20.3 million people, where more than 25 percent of workers could be displaced. Turning around places that have lost their economic dynamism is a multiyear journey, but it is possible. The old model of front-loading education early in life needs to give way to lifelong learning. Men, for example, make up the majority of drivers and assembly line workers, while administrative assistants and bookkeepers are predominantly female. It is sometimes suggested that people should simply leave distressed places and move to where the jobs are. McKinsey Quarterly. But it will take a push to continue building out fast, affordable broadband in the regions that still need service. The fourth annual State of Fashion report by The Business of Fashion and McKinsey & Company forecasts slowing growth for the second year in a row and underscores a prevailing mood of anxiety and concern amongst senior fashion executives. This year’s report finds that corporate America is at a critical crossroads: 1 in 4 women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to the pressures created by Covid-19. occupational categories in the US economy. Now technology demands new and higher-level skills, including more critical thinking, creativity, and socioemotional skills. Press enter to select and open the results on a new page. Growth and displacement may occur even within the same occupational category. Employment in this segment could grow by 15 percent as seniors drive demand for healthcare and other services—and as more of them continue working past traditional retirement age. Because some racial minorities have lower educational attainment, we find they are more vulnerable to being displaced by automation. McKinsey & Co. surveyed over 3,500 shoppers in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Germany, and France for its 2020 Holiday Season report. High-growth hubs, small powerhouses, and silver cities have grown by more than 10 percent since 2007, and most urban peripheries are also growing. These events have deepened our commitment to supporting communities across the globe, both in response to and beyond these crises. China accounted for more than half of global growth in luxury spending from 2012 to 2018 and is expected to contribute 65 percent of global additional spending by 2025, according to the firm’s China Luxury Report 2019. The proportion of women at every level in corporate America has hardly changed. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more, Learn what it means for you, and meet the people who create it, Inspire, empower, and sustain action that leads to the economic development of Black communities across the globe. Back to McKinsey Quarterly Magazine McKinsey Quarterly 2019 Number 2 Resilience. Nearly 40 percent of US jobs are currently in occupational categories that could shrink between now and 2030. For them, even a short period of disruption could provoke tremendous stress. Learn how we work with private- and public-sector institutions on challenges created by growing pressure on resource systems and increasing environmental risk. Learn about Our mission is to help leaders in multiple sectors develop a deeper understanding of the global economy. McKinsey Global Institute. Helping create positive, enduring change in the world. We modeled scenarios with varying timelines for the widespread adoption of automation technologies in the American workplace and base our research on the midpoint adoption scenario. Even as some jobs decline, the US economy will continue to create others—and technologies themselves will give rise to new occupations. A culture of inclusion They also surveyed more than … The Rural Innovation Initiative, recently launched in nine communities nationwide, is building outposts for workers in the downtowns of rural cities, aiming to spur professional collaboration and nurture tech talent across the country. Press enter to select and open the results on a new page. displaced workers to new, our use of cookies, and This work and the report The report also benefited enormously . Posted By Najib Jan 05, 2019 03:47 Business The Ministry of Economy has uploaded the McKinsey full report entitled “Lebanon Economic Vision” on its website. 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