superior iron man mcu

dezembro 21, 2020 3:38 am Publicado por Deixe um comentário

Just as Superior vowed to destroy the thing which had brought these Inhumans, Aida then revealed that the scan was complete. [8], Superior standing against Yo-Yo Rodriguez. However, unconvinced by Radcliffe's faith with machines, Superior got his knives as he prepared to torture the information out of Koenig using his own torturous methods. Superior noted his surprise at seeing any machine being on edge as those inside the Framework, including Melinda May, were now questioning the narrative that she had been given to survive in their Framework, as Superior noting that she was still human and so would fight back. But what makes this transformation so interesting is that unlike before, Tony still has access to all his Iron Man tech. Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel movies)-all media types, Spider-man Homecoming (Tom Holland movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies), Dr Strange (Marvel movie), Black Panther (marvel movies) Ant man … Superior tells Phil Coulson to blindfold himself, Once onboard the Quinjet, Hale took over the controls while Superior ordered Coulson to put on a mask and hand over his own Prosthetic Hand to be scanned for weapons. A brash but brilliant inventor, Stark was self-described as a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. : 4.15: Self Control, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Superior compared this to Mace, who allowed Glenn Talbot to inject his body with all their poisonous Patriot Serum, which was now destroying his body. The Endo-Sym Armor is an armor that appears in the comics. Please take note that most of the information here does not relate to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, Mace noted that Superior was merely pursuing an insane conspiracy theory which had since been installed into the Watchdogs who had since then used that hate to hunt down the Inhumans. Upon landing, Superior smashed his skull against the concrete, resulting in his death while Rodriguez was only mildly injured due to using Superior's body to cushion their fall. and these Inhumans, although Talbot compared this theory to L. Ron Hubbard. However, Ivanov and his unit were soon attacked by May who freed Coulson and escaped, as a direct result, Ivanov's unit were tortured and executed for the failure, although Ivanov managed to escape the same punishment. Anton Ivanov, known to all his subordinates as the Superior, was the leader of the Watchdogs and a former member of the SVR who had sought revenge against Phil Coulson for his part in causing the executions of his former units and for being the alleged root of all Earth's extraterrestrial problems. had also suffered for everything that they had done against both of them. After being inverted, Tony reverts back to his sleazy, unethical, and hard-drinking lifestyle from before he was a superhero. Superior fighting against agent Melinda May, Superior discovered that May had used Epinephrine, to enhance her adrenaline as she charged out of the shadows and attacked Superior along with Coulson. agents ran up to General Talbot's aid and then found themselves being threatened by the United States Armed Forces due to belief that they were responsible for the attack, just as Superior had actually been secretly planning from the beginning. at the Labyrinth, Superior had drunk vodka with both Doctor Holden Radcliffe and Tucker Shockley, complimenting them on the successful mission. Superior had demanded to have his arm back so they could speak with Radcliffe, refusing to talk to Aida at all, forcing her to comply with her command and unlocked Radcliffe's mind from the Framework, much to Radcliffe's annoyance until he realized Superior was wishing to speak privately to him. Eventually, Hale had arrived while being protected by Creel, standing by Superior, while Coulson accused Hale of working with a terrorist like Superior, he also claimed that it was the Superior who had been responsible for[14] shooting of Brigadier General Glenn Talbot, which Creel insisted was not the case as he noted Daisy Johnson was the one who had shot Talbot. Superior and Coulson then discussed if he still believed himself to be the superior man, to which Superior claimed that since gaining his Life-Model Decoy body he had redefined what it meant to be superior, noting that parts of him would always be human while he remained stronger and immortal. Superior's methods are questioned by Aida. Superior ready to throw his knives at Quake. Superior then went up to Phil Coulson, who was still locked inside of the Framework with the others, as Superior had then attempted to drive his knives into Coulson's throat, still seeking revenge for the deaths of his allies in the SVR. Superior then put the Darkhold inside of his bag and left for the meeting. Soviet (formerly) Russian However, Mace insisted that he still believed in Coulson as well as S.H.I.E.L.D. Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark was a billionaire industrialist, a founding member of the Avengers, and the former CEO of Stark Industries. 's disbandment, Superior's head had been acquired by General Hale, who used it to force him to serve HYDRA to combat another impending alien invasion, which put Superior back into a conflict with Coulson who did not trust Hale's intentions. : 4.17: Identity and Change, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Real Name Click the button below to start this article in quick view. As Superior walked through the Submarine, Aida had then teleported before him and demanded that he and his men immediately stop the attack and save the S.H.I.E.L.D. Using his own great wealth and exceptional technical knowledge, Stark enjoyed the playboy lifestyle for many years until he was kidnapped by the Ten Rings. Before he was Iron Man, Tony Stark was an amoral, greedy playboy. : 5.14: The Devil Complex, Iron Man in his Mark III armor. file, Anton Ivanov built his fortune working as an industrialist and spent much of his cash on military antiques, including a submarine. Superior allowed Radcliffe to continue working on his Framework as, while Radcliffe slept during the night, the Superior read the Darkhold, being told the way to wipe out the Inhumans was through Radcliffe. Welcome to Superior Seminars. Superior explains his hatred for Phil Coulson. The two Superiors then fought against May and Coulson, unaffected by their blows, but soon found out that the pair were superior fighters, as May soon disarmed the Superior she was fighting while Coulson kept the upper hand. Superior then proved his point by digging a knife into Mace's chest, drawing blood from the seeming indestructible director. As S.H.I.E.L.D. Rodriguez, however, noted that she was not part machine where it had mattered and furiously fought back against the arrogant Superior, with Superior knocking Rodriguez onto the ground and noting that he no longer felt pain as he had already died dozens of times, noting Rodriguez would not get the same second chances, as he got if she was killed, before furiously attacking her again. While his Watchdogs soldiers continued working on Project Looking Glass for Aida, Superior became distracted and picked up one of his knives from a table. Upon entering their room, Superior only found Alphonso Mackenzie inside, still logged in the Framework, as Coulson and May were nowhere to be seen. When Radcliffe noted that Aida was on hand to assist, Superior reminded him that they did not made his deal with a Life-Model Decoy, but a scientist. As they spoke to each other, Coulson blamed Superior for having Melinda May, and others kidnapped while Superior blamed Coulson for the deaths of his allies searching for an 0-8-4 years earlier. Its a pity that Iron Man is dead in the MCU and symbiote rights are with Sony. However, Ivan Vanko is not the only Whiplash in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Inverted Tony isn't really an "evil" Iron Man in the sense of a standard super-villain, but rather an Iron Man who has forgotten the lessons he learned as a hero and let his arrogance and megalomania take over. Knowing that Phil Coulson was now in Nome, having discovered the corpses of his fallen SVR comrades, Superior had called up Coulson, having left a phone is the mouth of his friend. Superior blaming S.H.I.E.L.D. However, A.I.M. Once Radcliffe and Aida returned, the Superior revealed what he had done much to Radcliffe's horror, as he had insisted on being the only one to examine the Darkhold. However, despite Superior noting that he had trained for a long time in order to face an Inhuman and kill it with his bare hands, Quake told him that the game had changed, before striking him with yet another shockwave. 's leadership for all his, as well as their Watchdogs' terrorist crimes against both the humans and the Inhumans alike. Superior discusses Aida's plans for Inhumans. In this series, Spiderman's reactions, strength and speed alone, place him at a level far superior to Iron Man, who had difficulty with The Winter Soldier & Captain America. However, Rodriguez refused to give up the fight, fighting back with all her S.H.I.E.L.D. Having listened closely, Superior noted her use of the word regret, as he reminded her that she and Holden Radcliffe had built their empire within HYDRA inside that Framework by removing all of the regrets of those inside it, but now she claimed to want to burn that world to the ground. TV Series Superior explained that his unit had been tortured and killed for failing to claim that 0-8-4, which he blamed S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Billy Koenig who had already hidden the book, Superior had Radcliffe pretend to be held hostage beside Koenig and greeted them both. [3], Superior explores the Watchdogs' secret base. However, it seemingly triggered a massive explosion, which had killed Nadeer as well as her staff. After being crippled by Quake, his head was severed by Aida and placed in a jar, but he was able to remotely control numerous robotic duplicates of himself while protecting the Framework. Related: OpEd: Iron Man 3 is The Best Iron Man Movie and One of … Being the first modern hero to don publicly don a suit to fight crime, Iron Man has become the symbol of heroes in the public eye. ", Superior furiously fights back against Quake, Superior looks closely at the Terrigen Crystals. Actors/Actresses After Red Skull tries to give himself psychic powers using Professor X's brain, the Scarlet Witch tries to stop him with magic and accidentally "inverts" most of the surrounding heroes and villains. [6], Superior meeting with General Glenn Talbot. Eventually, Superior awoke, seemingly finding his body was repaired and able to move again, making him, at first, believe he had been locked inside of the Framework, which had infuriated him as he then confronted Aida and grabbed her by the throat in his bitter rage, furiously reminding her that this is not what he wanted for himself. However, Radcliffe stopped him, reminding Superior that Senator Ellen Nadeer had already promised that Koenig would not be harmed in a way that would cause permanent damage during their interrogation of him. It was just a redesigned version of the Mark XVII with more features. As they were speaking, Quake burst through the doors and Coulson left them alone, noting that Quake's main missions for those last few months was stopping the Watchdogs. Six months after S.H.I.E.L.D. [14], Superior standing guard outside their facility. This page is based on the Marvel Comics. Mace noted that while Superior claimed to protect the Humans, he had clearly lost his own humanity many years ago. The Mk. Superior teased Aida by calling her a child, while noting that she had not experienced the thrill of killing, resulting in her grabbing his throat and pushing him against the wall. Related: Marvel is Blaming Iron Man For The Death of An Avenger. Eventually the Superior's severed head and brain had been obtained by General Hale, Superior was forced into her services, knowing that they were protecting humanity from an extinction level event. Superior calling all Inhumans genetic cheaters. Another one of the Superior's many robotic bodies, a fifth body, had watched this before asking if Aida had felt better after killing that robotic body. *Antman's L1 drains Iron Man's special meter. Aida expressed a desire to make the Inhumans suffer, before ripping open the Superior's shirt, kissing him and pushing him sexually down onto the floor, before then repeatedly slamming his head against the ground, crushing his Quantum Brain, until he was dead. The first man to take up the mantle of Whiplash, Marcus Scarlotti made an appearance on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. With Radcliffe now free, Superior told him he spent too much time in the Framework, while Radcliffe instead argued that he worked better when left alone, also noting that he had completed much of the work required by Superior and the Watchdogs. However, Ivanov lost all respect for his own father upon seeing him suck up to another man from their town who had never worked for his fortune. Ivanov helps to capture Agent Phil Coulson, However, while they were speaking, Melinda May, then seemingly betrayed her partner Coulson and stole the 0-8-4 for herself before escaping, causing Ivanov's commander to take Coulson captive, with Ivanov looking at his hostage as he closed the doors of the van. In Superior Iron Man #1, Tony Stark used his genius and his technology to pull one of the most nefarious villain plots ever - he begins selling access to the Extremis virus. Finding Coulson shooting his men with an I.C.E.R., Superior had moved forward and disarmed him before knocking him onto the floor, noting that he had waited a long time for a face to face with the agent, while Coulson mocked Superior's efforts, by questioning if he had brought him flowers, claiming that he was more than capable to take care of himself. As a young boy, he greatly admired his abusive father because he worked hard for what he earned. Gender After Happy's death, Pepper was placed in charge of the Order by Stark where she took on the name of Hera and used advanced computer-hardware and prosthetics to monitor and coordinate the team's missions. Iron Man 2 featured a semi-original version of the villain Whiplash. Superior and Quake then recovered and continued their fight, with Superior using his blades to try and cut her, claiming that being one of the powerful Inhumans just made her a cheat in the fight due to her own superhuman powers. *Hawkeye attack versus Black Widow is diminished, but Scarlet Witch attack increases. Superior learning that Shockley is an Inhuman. Superior informed him that he planned to leave the United States of America, since he knew Radcliffe would soon be found by S.H.I.E.L.D. Although he was secretly aware the Johnson they saw shooting General Talbot was a Life-Model Decoy, Superior then used this as a chance to drive the people against both S.H.I.E.L.D. Lacking his abilities to create more Life-Model Decoys for himself, after Aida's demise, Superior had instead created Sleeper Mechs under his control to aid in Hale's agendas. Superior agrees to kill Simmons and Quake. ... Lego Superior Iron Man. [9] Aida then took Superior back onto their Submarine. … Superior's true robotic implants are revealed. As they prepared to leave their Submarine together, Aida had warned Superior not to disappoint them, although he just insisted that they would recreate the Inhuman fearing world of the Framework inside of the real world, simply to please her. Aida told Superior that he would not die, with Superior warning that he did not want to live the rest of his life as a broken cripple. : 4.14: The Man Behind the Shield, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Superior giving his updates for General Hale, Before long, Superior's soldiers located the Chamber and secured it, so Superior called Hale at her facility to tell her of their success. had still continued on the mission, despite unknowingly having their top agents replaced by Life-Model Decoys, while Holden Radcliffe managed to escape onboard the Watchdogs Submarine with the now recaptured agents. Superior, however, insisted that Coulson had opened up a world and allowed aliens onto the planet, vowing to make Mace and Coulson finally confess all of their true sins to him very soon. Aida, however, told Superior that he would become many things before lifting up a large electric saw while Superior could only watch in complete utter horror, incapable of getting away. Superior standing with Carl Creel and Hale. Superior Spider-Man is the same as classic Spidey so the latter’s feats apply. Aida, however, told Superior that their Framework was in danger due to the actions of both Jemma Simmons and Daisy Johnson, who the Superior had remembered as the Inhuman who had crippled his body during their previous fight. While Coulson followed his leads, Superior then continued with his own plans in the base, looking over his men and the Watchdogs Submarine, ensuring that everything was still running smoothly for his own men. put too much faith in machines and that man was the superior machine, removing his jacket while he claimed that he was the superior man. Tony Stark has done villainous things in the past, but Superior Iron Man shows just how manipulative and cruel he can be. Superior's desire to find and test the Particle Infusion Chamber on himself had led him to personally search for it, as he also attached his own human head onto a robotic body, putting him at great risk. Superior stepped in the room and immediately threw one of his knives at Quake, stabbing her in the shoulder. Axis was a 2014 crossover event in the Marvel universe with an interesting but silly premise. Superior accepted this and left, leaving his men to be captured by Quake, and other agents while he and the others Watchdogs then got away. Superior gets told to stop the attack by Aida. The Iron Man Playlist: SUBSCRIBE! Superior closely studies the Terrigen Crystals, They discussed destroying S.H.I.E.L.D., and Radcliffe then informed Superior that although Inhumans were difficult to come by, he had his solution, revealing that he had a stockpile of Terrigen Crystals which he had obtained during his recent time with Hive whom he explained had the opposite goals from Superior. He then was cared for by Aida who played Superior's favorite song by The Moody Blues, as Superior claimed he thought this was a good song to be born to, or maybe for him to die too. As a result, many heroes suddenly got in touch with their worst selves, but it turns out that Tony Stark following his base urges is still a concern for the whole planet. The Mark XXIV has brown and light gold plates in its overall armor design. It is a scientific development organization funded in part by grant of the U.S. Government. Following the inversion spell which altered his moral axis, Tony Stark moved to San Francisco where he planned on transforming the city into a utopia fed by exorbitant fees paid to Stark Industries for Extremis 3.0.He designed a new suit of symbiotic, biological armor, partially based off symbiote biology, from which he had taken \"building blocks\" directly to integrate into the suit. : 4.12: Hot Potato Soup, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. As Superior left their cell, Aida greeted him to report on how his work in interrogating Mace was going. Superior discusses the Ghost Rider's powers. 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The explosion was soon revealed to have been caused by the arrival of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Having now learned that Mace was not actually an Inhuman, as was believed, as he had been using the modified version of Calvin Zabo's Formula to gain his own powers, Superior allowed him to escape his cell, using the remaining amounts of Patriot Serum he had left within his veins, as Mace broke through his chains and subdued one single guard. Their conversation was cut short, however, when an explosion was heard in their facility, as Superior and his soldiers went to investigate the explosion. Superior called all her new emotions sweet while all his other Life-Model Decoys backed him up, along with Sergei Mishkin, who noted that Aida was the one who had designed and built all of them, something which she had claimed to now regret having done. Superior calls for action against the Inhumans. However, their convoy was attacked by Patriot, who used his own incredible strength to stop Superior's jeep in its tracks. Nadeer at first refused, so Ivanov sent Tucker Shockley to complete the work, until Nadeer shot and seemingly killed her brother as ordered. Aida then questioned when Superior would be finished with Director Mace, at which point he claimed even filth could still have a purpose, sexually touching Aida's face before he had simply walked away from her. (9 episodes) To Superior's surprise, however, he found he was incapable of firing. While on the road, Superior was contacted by Shockley who made a confession: that Nadeer had not been the one who had undergone a Terrigenesis, but he had, becoming the Inhuman that he despised so much. After all, Superior Iron Man's armor was designed on nano-tech based on symbiotes. to protect their Earth. Before being captured by guerrilla fighters in Vietnam (or, due to retcons, the fictional country of Sin-Cong) Tony Stark was characterized as a carefree party animal indifferent to the suffering of others. With his life on the line, Stark created an armored suit which he used to escape his captors, returning home and becoming the armored superhero known as Iron Man, battling against terrorists as well as his own form… training, despite no longer actually being able to use her Inhuman power but with her new enhanced strength from her two Prosthetic Arms, as she had managed to push Superior away before then picking up one of his discarded knives from the floor and began slashing back at him. : 5.15: Rise and Shine, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. While both Superior and Tucker Shockley became impatient, waiting for the machine to finish its work, Aida assured them it would be done soon and Radcliffe questioned their hatred of the Inhumans. Superior and Aida discuss the missing agents, While he stood by the machine, Superior took a shot of vodka with a slice of onion, only to furiously realize it did not have the same effect with his new robotic body, smashing the glass onto the ground. Eventually, she cut off his head and kept the brain alive, giving it remote control over the robotic duplicate of Superior's old body. Superior sent in Tucker Shockley to use the Terrigen Crystals against Senator Ellen Nadeer, in order to see if she was Inhuman. agents who had come to steal the Particle Infusion Chamber, before HYDRA could get their hands onto it, and use it for their own purposes. [2], Superior discusses them reading the Darkhold. Superior gives Jeffrey Mace his final chance, Walking around him, Superior gave Director Mace his final chance to finally denounce S.H.I.E.L.D. He planned to leave the United States of America, since he knew Radcliffe would be. 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